County Com-
to furnish
money in the hands of the county treasurer set apart for
the use of the road directors to meet the requirements of
the county roads and bridges, the County Commissioners
shall borrow upon the credit of the county, and place in the
hands of the county treasurer for the use of the road
commissioners, a sum not exceeding ten thousand dollars,
the payment of which loan shall be provided for in next
succeeding annual levy; provided, however, that the sanction
of the Circuit Court for Allegany County shall have first
been obtained for such loan upon petition to said court by
the road directors, setting forth the causes and reasons of
the necessity for and of such sum of money to be raised for
their use; and whenever such petition shall be filed the
County Commissioners may, if they see proper, contest the
same, and upon hearing the petitions and such evidence as
may be introduced by the road directors and by County
Commissioners, the said court shall pass such orders as may
seem proper in the premises.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 22, 1906.