relating to the Board of Police Commissioners of the City
of Baltimore not included in this Act and not inconsistent
herewith shall be and they are continued in force and effect
until changed or repealed by .the General Assembly of Mary-
land; all Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent with this Act are
hereby repealed; and it is hereby expressly and distinctly
understood and declared that this Act in no manner, shape
or form increases or affects the pensions of the retired mem-
bers of said police force who were retired or will be retired
prior to January 1, 1907, but that they shall continue to
receive the same amount or same pension they received prior
to the said 1st day of January, 1907 and no more.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the 1st day of January, 1907.
Approved March 22, 1906.
AN ACT to authorize the Commissioners of Crisfield, in
Somerset County, to issue additional bonds on the credit
of said Municipal Corporation.
SECTION 1. Se it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Commissioners of Crisfield, in Somerset
Continued in
force and
county, are hereby authorized and empowered from time to
time to issue bonds on the faith and credit of said municipal
corporation in the sum of not exceeding five thousand dollars,
the proceeds of the sale whereof shall be applied first to the
payment or refunding of all past due indebtedness of said
town, and after such refunding then in the discretion of the
said commissioners, additional bonds may be issued and sold
in manner prescribed by an ordinance, ordinances, the pro-
ceeds of the sale of such additional bonds to be applied to
public improvements in said town; that the said bonds
shall be issued as follows: Ten bonds of the par value of
Bonds to be