CHAP. 126
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That said corporation shall have
the power to increase its capital stock from time to time to
Capital stock
may be
any required amount upon compliance with the provisions
of Section 249 of Article 23 of the Public General Laws of
Maryland, Code of 1904; and that said corporation may
issue any or all of its original or increased capital stock for
services, or for property of any description; provided, that
such services and property are suitable for any of the pur-
poses of the company, and that the value of such services
and property, and the propriety of issuing stock therefor,
shall be agreed upon, and the issue authorized by the
affirmative vote of a majority of all the stock outstanding,
and entitled to vote at any meeting called for that purpose ;
and provided further, that the books of the corporation shall
be so kept as to show at all times fully what property was
received and what services were rendered for the said stock,
and at what value, and the number of the shares issued for
the same, which said books shall be always open to the
inspection of any shareholder or creditor holding an over-
due debt of the corporation; but the valuation placed by the
stockholders upon such services or property as aforesaid,
and the propriety of their action in accepting the same, and
issuing the agreed number of shares therefor, shall be con-
clusive against and binding upon any and all creditors of
the corporation.
SEC. 6, And be it enacted, That notice of the time, place
and purpose of any meeting of the board of directors or
Notice of meet
ing of board
of directors.
stockholders shall be such as may be provided by the rules
and by-laws of said corporation, but such notice may be
dispensed with if every member shall attend in person, or
if every stockholder shall attend in person or by proxy, or
if every member or stockholder shall, by writing, filed with
the records of the meeting, waive such notice.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 22, 1906.
AN ACT to repeal Section 124 E of Article XXVII of the
Code of Public General Laws, title " Crimes and Pun-
ishments," sub-title "Gaming," as said Section was enacted