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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 1507   View pdf image (33K)
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No. 760. An Act to repeal Section 9 of Chapter 199 of the Acts
of the General Assembly of Maryland for the Session of 1904,
entitled "An Act to create the office of treasurer for Charles
county, and to provide for the collection of taxes therein;"
and to re-enact the same with amendments, and to add a new

section to said Act, to be known as "Section 10 "..............
No. 761. An Act to confirm and amend the charter of the Greater
Baltimore Jubilee and Exposition Association of Baltimore


city, and to authorize an increase in the number of directors.....
No. 762. An Act to increase the capital stock and extend the powers
of the Northern Central Permanent Building and Loan Associa-


tion of Baltimore city ........................................
No. 763. An Act to authorize the Johnston Hospital for Girls and
school and home for nurses of Baltimore city, to increase the
number of its managers to more than twelve and not more than
twenty, and to fix from time to time by its by-laws the number
of corporators or managers necessary to constitute a quorum


at meetings thereof, and to provide for maintaining succession.
No. 764. An Act to empower the Boys' School of St. Paul's Parish
to receive and hold property whose income shall not exceed the


annual sum of twenty tho'isand dollars ($20,000)...............
No. 765. Au Act to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section
39 of Article 16 of the Code of Public General Laws, title


"Chancery.".................................. ...............
No. 766. An Act to repeal Section 5 of Article 62 of the Code of
Public General Laws, entitled "Marriage," and re-enact the


same with amendments ......................................
No. 767. An Act to extend the privileges and enlarge the powers
of The Baltimore and Ocean City Railroad Company, incorpo-


rated under the public general laws of this State ..............
No. 768. An Act to provide for restraining married women from
pledging the credit of their husbands, and to prohibit trades-
men and others from making claims or maintaining actions
against husbands upon purchases and, contracts made by their
wives, and to provide a penalty for making such claims and
instituting or prosecuting such actions in instances where such
married women are being reasonably supplied by their hus-


bands with necessaries or means to purchase them ............
No. 769. An Act to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section
288 of Article 23 of the Code of Public General Laws of the
State of Maryland of the year 1888, providing for the appoint-
ment of policemen for the protection of property, and amend-
ing the same to provide that such policemen have to be citizens


of the State of Maryland .....................................
No. 770. An Act to authorize the Board of Supervisors of Elec-
tions of Allegany county to change the boundary lines between


Districts 17 and 24, in Allegany county ........................
No. 771. An Act to repeal Section three (3) of the Act of eighteen
hundred and eighty-six (1886), Chapter one hundred and forty-
five (145), entitled " An Act to incorporate the Provident Savings
Bank of Baltimore, as amended by the Act of eighteen hundred
and eighty-eight (1888), Chapter sixty-nine (69), and to repeal
Section six (6) of the Act of eighteen hundred and eighty-six
(1886), Chapter one hundred and forty-five (145), aforesaid, and


to re-enact said Sections three (3) and six (6) with amendments."


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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 1507   View pdf image (33K)
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