for the repairing of roads, bridges and culverts in Howard
county, and to levy a tax for the payment of the same, and to
re-enact the same with amendments."...................
No. 298. An Act to repeal Chapter 228 of the Acts of 1902, entitled
"An Act to repeal Chapter 235 of the Acts of 1894, and to re-enact
the same with .amendments," and to re-enact the said Chapter
228 of the Acts of 1902 with amendments, so that the selling of
liquor shall hereafter be forbidden within three-fourths of a
rnile in all directions from Walbrook Public School ............
No. 299. An Act to repeal Sections 134, 135, 136 and 137 of Article
24 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, as enacted by
Chapter 411 of the Acts of 1896, title "Worcester County," sub-
title "Liquor and Intoxicating Drinks," and to re-enact the
same with amendments, and to add an additional section to
said Article, to be known as Section 138 A .....................
No. 300. An Act to declare the sanction and conset of the General
Assembly to the sale, grant and conveyance to "Trinity Meth-
odist Episcopal Church, South," a body corporate, by Susan R.
Cronmiller, Catharine Cronmiller and Hester W. Coale, of a lot
of ground at Laurel, Prince George's county...............
No. 301. An Act to repeal Section 253 of Article 2 of the Code of
Public Local Laws, title "Anne Arundel County," sub-title
"Wild Fowl," as repealed and re-enacted with amendments by
Chapter 61 of the Acts of 1900, and re-enact the same with
No. 302. An Act to prohibit the sale of spirituous and fermented
liquors within one and one-half miles of the public school house
at Bartholows Election District No. 9, Frederick county, Mary-
No. 303. An Act to pay John B. League for indexing Libers 27, 28,
29 and 30 of the proceedings of the Prerogative Court of Mary-
No. 304. An Act to authorize the County Commissioners of St.
Mary's county to levy a sum of money not to exceed five hundred
dollars ($500) to build a school house for white children at or
near Abells in the Seventh Election District of St. Mary's
county .................................................
No. 305. An Act to repeal Chapter 361 of the laws of Maryland,
1904, in relation to the preservation and recording of plats filed
in the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court for Baltimore
county, and to re-enact all prior Acts in relation to the preser-
vation and recording of plats in the office of the clerk of the
Circuit Court of Baltimore county..............................
No. 306. An Act to abolish the office of Road Commissioner of
Queen Anne's county, under the Code of Public Local Laws, title
"Queen Anne's County," sub-title "Roads," Sections 230A,
230 B and 230 e, as enacted by the Acts of 1904, Chapter 63, at
the expiration of the term of office of John Bishop, who was
elected to said office at the General Election held November 7,
1905, to serve for a term of two years from April 1, 1906 ......
No. 307. An Act to amend the charter of the Merchants and
Miners Transportation Company, Chapter 153, passed at the
January Session, 1852, and supplements thereto passed at the
January Session, 1868, Chapter 130, and passed at the January