appointment during the absence on account of sickness of M.
Hampton Magruder, the State's Attorney for said county
No. 203. An Act to repeal Sections 58, 58A, 58u, 58c, 58o and
58E of Article 13 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title
"Harford County," sub-title "County Commissioners," relating
to the number, term, election and compensation of County
Commissioners for said county, and to re-enact same with
amendments ..............................................
No. 204. An Act to repeal Sections 2 and 3 of Chapter G3 of the
Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1890, entitled
"An Act supplementary to au Act for founding a college in
Chestertown," passed at a session of the General Assembly of
Maryland, 1782, Chapter 8, authorizing the establishment by
the visitors and governors of said college of a department of
Pedagogy, and to re-enact said Section 3 with amendments.....
No. 205. An Act to authorize the County Commisisoners of Anne
Arundel county to levy a sum of money to be applied to the
building of a school house in the Fifth District of Anne-Arun-
del county, at Harmans ...................................
No. 200. An Act to repeal and re-enact with amendments Sec-
tions 62 and 65 of Article 4, entitled "City of Baltimore," of
the Public Local Laws of Maryland, as the same were amended
by Chapter 112 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Mary-
laud, for the year 1904.....................................
No. 207. An Act to repeal and re-enact with amendments Sec-
tion 138 of Article 22 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title
"Washington County," sub-title "Fish," as enacted by Chap-
ter 531, passed at the January Session of 1902...............
No. 208. An Act to authorize and direct County Commissioners of
Montgomery County to construct and complete a stone pike
road over the county road between the town of Kensington and
the Wheaton postoffice in said county, not less than twelve feet
wide ; and to levy on and collect from the assessable property
of the fifth collection district of said county an amount suffi-
cient to complete said road not exceeding one thousand dollars
No. 209. An Act to add two new sections to Article 18 of the
Code of Public Local Laws of the State of Maryland, title
"Queen Anne's county," sub-title "Centreville," to follow Sec-
tion 46, and to be known as "46A" and "46B" ................
No. 210. An Act to amend the charter of the German-American
Bank of Baltimore........................................
No. 211. An Act to appropriate fifteen hundred dollars to the
Public Records Commission of Maryland .< .................
No. 212. An Act to provide for an additional Justice of the Peace
for the Third Election District of Montgomery countv .......
No. 213. An Act to authorize the County Commissioners of St.
Mary's county to levy a sum of money not exceeding five
hundred dollars, to build a school house for white children at
or near Stacia Springs, in the Third Election District of St.
Mary's county .............................................
No. 214. An Act to authorize and empower the County Commis-
sioners of Somerset county to build a bridge over "King's
Creek" in said county and to levy upon the assessable prop-
erty of said county a sum of money for the purpose of build-
ing said bridge ...........................................