any time after the first day of January in any year after levy
and advertisement as now provided by law.
SEC. 17. The Mayor in addition to the duties required of
CHAP. 82&
him by this charter shall keep a test book, which shall be
signed by all persons who take an oath of any kind before
said Mayor ; the said book shall also state the character of
the oath taken, and if an officer, the title of the officer shall
be stated. The Mayor shall have full power to conduct
investigations as to violations of any ordinance of said town,
hold court at some public place whenever the case requires ;
issue warrants, summons, and attachments ; said Mayor
shall have power to punish any person or persons for con-
tempt ; shall have power in case of conviction of any offender
or violator of a town ordinance to commit said offender to
the Montgomery county jail ; in default of surety for his
appearance for trial or in default of fine and cost, and in the
cases as herein provided, he shall have the power to commit
offenders to the Maryland house of correction or to labor
upon the streets. The Mayor shall have the power to
appoint all committees and officers of the town only by and
with the consent, advice, and approval of the Council. The
Mayor is hereby required to sign all ordinances passed by
said town, and the same attested by the clerk with the cor-
porate seal thereto attached.
SEC. 18. And be it enacted, That the Council shall keep
a separate book containing the rules and regulations while
in session, by-laws and ordinances of the town, and each
shall state the day of its passage, with record of the yea
and nay vote, and the date of its operation ; and all ordi-
nances before they become effective shall have the signature
of the Mayor, attested by the clerk, and each one shall be
numbered in order as it is passed, and all repeals or ordi-
nances shall be recorded therein. The Council shall also
keep a separate book of all licenses and permits granted,
and a separate book for all sidewalk tax that is levied, and
a separate book for all water rents charged, and a separate
account for all fines collected.
SEC. 19. And be it enacted, That the Mayor shall annually
Separate books
appoint, by and with the consent, advice and approval of the
Council, one member of the Council to audit the account of
the treasurer, and the said auditor shall make quarterly
audits and report the same to the Council with his recom-