nance of the property in good condition throughout the full
term of the grant ; and for the purpose of carrying out all the
aforegoing powers they may pass all ordinance, from time to
time as they deem necessary,and all ordinances and resolutions
now in force shall remain in force until repealed or altered by
competent authority ; no provisions of this Act shall affect
any right, lien or liability existing at the date of its passage.
(28) The Council shall have the power to borrow money
from time to time, as may be necessary, and in so doing
shall issue certificate of indebtedness, but said ' certificate
shall be made payable before the expiration of one year, and
the amount shall not exceed five hundred dollars. (29) The
Council shall have the power to impose a reasonable annual
license or tax for police regulation and supervision upon all
telephone, telegraph, electric light and electric power poles
erected upon the streets of the town, and all cable subways
or conduits placed in said streets ; and no individual or cor-
poration shall use any street, public lane or public alley of
said town for any telegraph, telephone, electric light or
electric power poles or lines, or for any subway or conduit
without the consent of the Council of Glen Echo first had and
obtained by ordinance for that purpose passed and approved;
and any such pole or line, subway or conduit placed upon, in
or under any of the streets, lanes or public alleys of said
town without such consent of the Mayor and Council of Glen
Echo shall be deemed a nuisance. (30) The Council shall
have the power to authorize the removal or confinement of
such persons having infectious or pestilential diseases, or
insane paupers. (31) The Council shall have the power to
pass such ordinances as may be necessary for the protection,
maintenance and preservation of the water supply of the
town. (32) The Council shall have the power to provide
for the punishment of any person or persons keeping a
vicious or annoying dog and to provide for the killing of any
such dog or dogs. (33) The Council shall have the power to
provide for the lights of the town at the public expense.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That the Council may adopt
CHAP. 826
suitable measures for the removal of sewerage and garbage,
and fix the amount to be paid therefor, which shall be paid
by a special tax for that purpose to be imposed on the occu-
pants of the respective buildings, and collected therefrom,
provided that the owners of said property shall be respon-
Removal of
and garbage.