of one per centum; for the fifth year to said park at the rate
of two per centum; for the sixth year to said park tax at the
CHAP. 566
rate of three per centum; for the seventh year to said park
tax at the rate of four per centum; for the eighth year to
said park tax at the rate of five per centum; for the ninth
year to said park tax at the rate of six per centum; for the
tenth year to said park tax at the rate of seven per centum ;
for the eleventh year to said park tax at the rate of eight per
centum, and thereafter to said park tax at the general rate of
nine per centum each year, as now prescribed and and regu-
lated as aforesaid by said Sections 797-800, both inclusive,
of Article 4, entitled "City of Baltimore," of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Maryland, or at such other rate or
rates as may be hereafter prescribed by law; provided, how-
ever, that the franchise or right so granted to the United
Railway and Electric Company of Baltimore, its successor
and assigns, in said roads, or any of them, may, in the dis-
cretion of the board of estimates, so far as the same may be
Manner of
paying park
now perpetual, be in perpetuity; provided, however, that
nothing herein shall be construed to make perpetual, or to
grant in perpetuity, any franchise or right whatsoever (as a
franchise or right in perpetuity) which heretofore has not
been owned or enjoyed by the said United Railways and
Electric Company of Baltimore as and for a right perpetual,
or franchise or right in perpetuity.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted. That in view of the fact
that the beds or parts of the beds of said roads, or some of
them, are now occupied by the United Railways and Electric
Company of Baltimore, and its rights in such roadbeds, or
parts of roadbeds, are proposed to be acquired by the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore for the sole purpose of secur-
ing for the public the unconditional use thereof as public
highways, the board of estimates is hereby authorized, in its
discretion, after the acquisition of said roadbeds, or parts of
roadbeds, by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore,
should the United Railways and Electric Company of Balti-
more, its successor and assigns, apply for the franchise or
right of using any of said roadbeds, or parts of roadbeds,
for its railway lines, to fix the compensation, or compensa-
tions, to be paid therefor, without reference to any other
application or applications for the same franchises or rights
by any other person or corporation, and free from the obli-
to be fixed
for franchise