CHAP. 94
AN ACT to amend the charter of the American Banking and
Trust Company of Baltimore City, now called by virtue of
the Act of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1902,
Chapter 199, American Bonding Company of Baltimore,
by repealing and re-enacting with amendments Sections 3
and 7 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland of
1894, Chapter 252, entitled "An Act to incorporate the
American Banking and Trust Company of Baltimore City,"
as the same were repealed and re-enacted by an Act of the
General Assembly of Maryland of 1900, Chapter 154, and
1896, Chapter 41, respectively, and by adding a new sec-
tion to said Act of incorporation or charter, to be num-
bered 24.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
Repeal and
land, That Section 3 of the Act of the General Assembly of
Maryland of 1894, Chapter 252, entitled "An Act to incor-
porate The American Banking and Trust Company of Balti-
more City," as the said section was repealed and re-enacted
by the General Assembly of Maryland of 1900, Chapter
154, and that Section 7 of said Act of 1894, Chapter 252,
as the said section was repealed and re-enacted by the Act
of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1896, Chapter 41,
be and the same are hereby repealed and re-enacted with
amendments, so as to read as follows, respectively :
Section 3. The directors shall be elected annually by the
stockholders on the second Monday of January in each year,
and the directors so elected shall, at the first meeting of the
board, elect from their number a president and first vice-
president, and an executive committee composed of three or
more members, of which the president and first vice-presi-
dent shall be members ex-officio. Said directors shall also
have power to elect, either from their number or otherwise,
as many other vice-presidents as they see fit, and also a
secretary and treasurer, and such assistant secretaries and
assistant treasurers as they see fit. The office of any vice-
president and that of secretary, or that of secretary and that
of treasurer may be filled by the same person, and the office
of any assistant secretary and that of any assistant treasurer