Bachelor Point: (point) in Talbot County; on
east shore Tred Avon River, (1) mile south
of Oxford.
(N. 38°40' W. 76°11') OXF
Bachelor's Point: (point) in Talbot County;
see Bachelor Point.
Bachman Mills: (village) in Carroll County;
(3) miles southeast of Deep Run; elev. 631;
pop. (28) ; Md. 496.
(N. 39°40° W. 76°57') BRA
Back Branch: (branch) in Prince George's
County; branch of Western Branch, rising
(1) mile east of Meadows.
(N. 38°49' W. 76°51') E.W.
Back Cove: (cove) in Somerset County; inlet
of Tangier Sound, (3) miles northeast of
(N. 38°02' W. 76°01') BL.IS.
Back Creek: (creek) in Anne Arundel County;
branch of Bodkin Creek, head (2 1/2) miles
northeast of Jacobsville.
(N. 39°09' W. 76°29') N.P.
Back Creek: (creek) in Anne Arundel County;
branch of Furnace Creek, mouth (2 1/2) miles
northeast of Glen Burnie.
(N. 39°11' W. 76°35') REL
Back Creek: (creek) in Anne Arundel County;
branch of Severn River, head (1 1/2) miles
south of Annapolis.
(N. 38°57' W. 76°29') ANN
Back Creek: (creek) in Calvert County; branch
of Patuxent River, (1 1/2) miles southwest
of Appeal.
(N. 38°20' W. 76°28') PIT
Back Creek: (creek) in Cecil County; branch
of Elk River, mouth (3 1/2) miles east of
Chesapeake City.
(N. 39°31' W. 75°52') ELK
Back Creek: (creek) in Cecil County; branch
of Sassafras River, rising (1) mile south of
(N. 39°24' W. 75°55') CEC
Back Creek: (creek) in Dorchester County;
branch of Honga River, extending into
Upper Hooper Island.
(N. 38°19' W. 76°14') OCE
Back Creek: (creek) in Dorchester County;
branch of Hudson Creek, head (1 1/2) miles
south of Wrights.
(N. 38°34' W. 76°14') OXF
Back Creek: (creek) in Somerset County;
branch of Manokin River, rising (1 1/2) miles
southeast of Dublin.
(N. 38°08' W. 75°38') PRI.A.
Back Creek: (creek) in Talbot County; branch
of Knapp Narrows, rising (1 1/4) miles south
of Sherwood.
(N. 38°43' W. 76°20') SH.I.
Back Creek: (creek) in Talbot County; see
San Domingo Creek.
Back Creek: (creek) in Worcester County;
branch of Assawoman Bay, rising (2) miles
south of Muskrattown.
(N. 38°25' W. 75°08') OCE
Back Creek Mills: (village) in Cecil County;
(3 1/2) miles east of Chesapeake City.
(N. 39°31' W. 75°52') ELK
Back Creek Neck: (neck) in Cecil County;
lying between Elk. River, Back Creek and
Perch Creek.
(N. 39°33' W. 75°50') ELK
Back Garden Creek: (creek) in Dorchester
County; see Backgarden Creek.
Back River: (river) in Baltimore County;
branch of Chesapeake Bay, mouth (4) miles
northeast of Sparrows Point.
(N. 39°15' W. 76°24') GUN
Back Rivef: (village) in Baltimore County; on
Back River, (1) mile north of Stab; elev. 15;
Penna. R.R.; Md. 150-493.
(N. 39°18' W. 76°31') GUN
Back River Neck: (neck) in Baltimore County;
between Middle and Back Rivers, (5) miles
due east of eastern boundary of Baltimore.
(N. 39°18' W. 76°26') GUN
Back Wye River: (river) in Queen Anne's
County; see Wye River and Wye East River.
Backbone Mountain: (mountain) in Garrett
County; running from West Virginia north-
easterly, through the southeast section of
the county; known as "Continental Divide."
(N. 39°20' W. 79°23') OAK
Backgarden Creek: (creek) in Dorchester
County; branch of Blackwater River, (4)
miles south of Bucktown.
(N. 38°24' W. 76°02') CRA
Backgarden Pond: (pond) in Dorchester
County; drained by Backgarden Creek,
(3 1/2) miles south of Bucktown.
(N. 38°25' W. 76°02') CRA