Dickerson: (village) in Montgomery County;
(2 1/2) miles west of Barnesville; elev. 363;
pop. (231); P. O.; B. & O. R.R.; Md. 28-
419; Express Agency
(N. 39°13' W. 77°25') SEN
Dickeyville: (village) in Baltimore City; see'
Dickinson Bay: (bay) in Talbot County; inlet
of Choptank River, (3 1/2) miles southwest
of Trappe.
(N. 38°37' W. 76°06') OXF
Dicks Point: (point) in Dorchester County;
west shore of Honga River, (1 3/4) miles
northwest of Applegarth.
(N. 38°15' W. 76°10') CRA
Dildicks Creek: (creek) in Anne Arundel
county; see Saltworks Creek.
Dill's Wharf: in Charles County.
Dinnittsonville: (village) in Baltimore County;
see Hydes.
Dippingpond Run: (run) in Baltimore County;
branch of Jones Falls, mouth (1) mile west
of Brooklandville.
(N. 39°25' W. 76°41') BAL
Disney: in Anne Arundel County.
District Heights: (town) in Prince George's
County; (1 1/4) miles southeast of Oakland;
incorporated; elev. (280); pop. 392; Md. 4-
(N. 38° 51' W. 76° 54') E. W.
Ditch Run: (run) in Washington County;
branch of Potomac River, mouth (2 3/4) miles
southeast of Hancock.
(N. 39°41' W. 78°08') HAN
Dividing Creek: (creek) in Anne Arundel
County; branch of Magothy River, mouth
(1 1/4) miles northeast of Jones.
(N. 39° 04' W. 76° 31') REL
Dividing Creek: (creek) in " Queen Anne's
County; branch of Wye East River, mouth
(4 1/2) miles northwest of Longwoods.
(N. 38°53' W. 76°09') ST.M.
Dividing Creek: (creek) in Talbot County;
see La Trappe Creek.
Dividing Creek: (village) in Talbot County;
on Choptank River, (4 1/4) miles southwest
of Trappe.
(N. 38°37' W. 76°07') OXF
Dividing Creek: (creek) in Somerset, Wicomico
and Worcester Counties; branch of Poco-
moke River, mouth (2) miles northeast of
Pocomoke City.
(N. 38°05' W. 75°33') PRLA.
Dixon Creek: (creek) in Talbot County; branch
of Tred Avon River, mouth (1 1/2) miles east
of Kirkham.
(N. 38°46' W. 76°07') ST.M.
Dixon Hill: (suburb) in Baltimore City; see
Baltimore City.
Dixon Tavern: in Queen Anne's County.
Doad Run: (run) in Baltimore City and
County; branch of Gwynns Falls; see Balti-
more City.
(N. 39°18' W. 76°41') BAL
Dobbin: (village) in Garrett County; (1 1/2)
miles southwest of Wilson; elev. 2,600.
(N. 39°14' W. 79°25') DAY
Dobbin Island: (island) in Anne Arundel
County; see Dobbins Island.
Dobbins Island: (island) in Anne Arundel
County; in Sillery Bay, (2) miles south of
Mount Carmel.
(N. 39°05' W. 76°28') N.P.
Dodd's Store: in Queen Anne's County.
Dodge Park: (village) in Prince George's
County; (1) mile southeast of Landover;
elev. (150); pop. (40); Md. 202.
(N. 38°56' W. 76°53') E.W.
Dodon: (village) in Anne Arundel County;
(1 1/2) miles west of Birdsville; elev. 140;
pop. (45).
(N. 3S°54' W. 76°37') OWE
Dodson: (village) in Garrett County; (2)
miles southwest of Kitzmillersville ; elev.
1,820; pop. (211).
(N. 39°22' W. 79°13') ELK G.
Dog and Bitch Island: (island) in Worcester
County; in Isle of Wight Bay, (1 3/4) miles
northwest of Ocean City.
(N. 38°21' W. 75°06') OCE
Dog Ridge: (ridge) in Garrett County; be-
ginning (1 1/2) miles west of Sang Run; ex-
tending northwest into West Virginia; elev.
(N. 39°34' W. 79°28') ACC
Dogtown: (village) in Baltimore County; see
Dogtown: in Carroll County.
Dogtown: in Charles County.
Dogtown: (village) in Washington County;
(1/2) mile north of Mercersville ; elev. 499.
(N. 39°30' W. 77°46') WIL
Dogwood Branch: (branch) in Cecil County;
branch of Little Elk Creek, rising (1/2) mile
southeast of Cherry Hill.
(N. 39°39' W. 75°51') ELK
Dogwood Run: (run) in Baltimore County;
branch of Patapsco River, rising (3/4) mile
south of Hebbville.
(N. 39°20' W. 76°46') ELL
Dolly Boamans: (creek) in Charles County;
see Dolly Boarmans Creek.