Andersontown : (village) in Caroline County;
(1 1/2) miles south of Hobbs; elev. 55; pop.
(60) ; Md. 404.
(N. 38°50' W. 75°47') DEN
Andora: (village) in Cecil County; (1 1/2)
miles north of Cherry Hill; elev. 364; pop.
(57) ; Md. 280.
(N. 39°41' W. 75°52') ELK
Andover Branch: (branch) in Kent and Queen
Anne's Counties; branch of and continua-
tion of Chester River, running for about (6)
miles as boundary between Kent and Queen
Anne's Counties, then branching southeast-
ward through Queen Anne's County into Del-
(N. 3'9°15' W. 75°53') CEC
Andrews: (village) in Dorchester County; (3)
miles northeast of Crapo; elev. (2); pop.
(250); P. O.
(N. 38°21' W. 76°05') CRA
Annapolis: (city) in Anne Arundel County;
County Seat; State Capital; on the Severn
River; incorporated; elev. 40; pop. 13,069;
P. O.; B. & A. R.R.; U. S. 50; Md. 2-178-
387-435; Western Union; Postal Telegraph;
Express Agency.
(N. 38°59' W. 76°30') ANN
Annapolis Harbor: (cove) in Anne Arundel
County; inlet of Severn River at Annapolis.
(N. 38°59' W. 76°29') ANN
Annapolis Junction: (village) in Howard
County; (2) miles southeast of Savage;
elev. 186; pop. (155); P. O.
(N. 39°08' W. 76°47') WAK
Annapolis Roads: (inlet) in Anne Arundel
County; mouth of Severn River at Chesa-
peake Bay.
(N. 38°59' W. 76°28') ANN
Annapolis Roads Club: (village) in Anne
Arundel County; (2 1/4) miles southeast of
Annapolis; elev. (5).
(N. 3S°57' W. 76°28') ANN
Anneslie: (town) in Baltimore County; (2)
miles south of Towson; elev. (440); pop.
(1,807); U. S. 111; Express Agency.
(N. 39°23' W. 76°36') BAL
Anthony: (village) in Caroline County; (2 1/4)
miles east of Denton; elev. 35; pop. (24).
(N. 38°53' W. 75°47') DEN
Anthony Ridge: (ridge) in Allegany County;
bounded by Maryland and West Virginia
state lines, on Potomac River.
(N. 39°34' W. 78°28') PAW
Anthonyville: (suburb) in Baltimore City; see
Baltimore City.
Antietam: (village) in Washington County;
on Potomac River, (3) miles south of Sharps-
burg; elev. 350; pop. (200); Western Union.
(N. 39°25' W. 77°45') ANT
Antietam Battlefield: (government reserva-
tion) in Washington County; extending
north, east and south of Sharpsburg; Md.
(N. 39°28' W. 77°45') ANT
Antietam Creek: (creek) in Washington Coun-
ty; branch of Potomac River, mouth (1/4)
mile west of Antietam; elev. (300).
(N. 39°25' W. 77°45') ANT
Antietam River: (creek) in Washington Coun-
ty; see Antietam Creek.
Antietam Station: (station) in Washington
County; see Antietam.
Ape Hole Creek: (creek) in Somerset County;
branch of Pocomoke River head, (1) mile
east of Lawsonia.
(N. 37°58' W. 75°49') CRI
Appeal: (village) in Calvert County; (1 3/4)
miles southwest of Bertha; elev. (125) ;
P. O.; Md. 2-503-505.
(N. 38°22' W. 76°27') D.P.
Appleby: in Dorchester County.
Applegarth: (village) in Dorchester County;
on Middle Hooper Island, between Honga
River and Chesapeake Bay; elev. 5; pop.
(N. 38°15' W. 76°08') BL.IS.
Appleton: (village) in Cecil County; (1 1/4)
miles north of Cowentown; elev. 337; pop.
(40) ; Md. 273-316.
(N. 39°42' W. 75°49') HUR
Appleton: (village) in Washington County;
see Appletown.
Appletown: (village) in Washington County;
(5 1/2) miles northwest of Sharpsburg.
(N. 39°30' W. 77°41') ANT
Appolds: (village) in Frederick County; (1 1/2)
miles north of Rocky Ridge; elev. (457).
(N. 39°38' W. 77°19') EMM
Aquasco: (town) in Prince George's County;
(2 1/2) miles northwest of Eagle Harbor;
elev. 158; pop. (500); P. O.; Md. 381.
(N. 38°35' W. 76°44') PRI.F.
Araby: (village) in Frederick County; (3)
miles south of Frederick; elev. 266; pop.
(90) ; U. S. 15.
(N. 39°22' W. 77°24') FRED
Arbutus: (town) in Baltimore County; (3/4)
mile north of Halethorpe; elev. 80; pop.
(1,369) ; Penna. R.R.
(N. 39°15' W. 76°41') REL
Arcadia: (village) in Baltimore County; (1 1/2)
miles north of Fowblesburg; elev. 785; pop.
(100); W. M. R.R.; Md. 30.
(N. 39°34' W. 76°50') WES
Arden: in Anne Arundel County.