Town Point Neck: (neck) in Cecil County; (2)
miles west of Cayots between Elk and
Bohemia Rivers; elev. (60).
(N. 39°28' W. 75°52') CEC
Town Point Neck: (neck) in Dorchester
County; strip of land between Little Chop-
tank River and Fishing Creek.
(N. 38°33' W. 76°12') OXF
Town Point Wharf: (landing) in Cecil County;
on Elk River, (1 1/2) miles northwest of
Town Point (village) ; elev. 10.
(N. 39°30' W. 75°55') CEC
Town Run: (run) in St. Mary's County; branch
of Breton Bay, mouth (1/4) mile south of
(N. 38°18' W. 76°38') LEO
Towncreek: (village) in Allegany County; see
Town Creek.
Townpoint: (village) in Cecil County; see
Town Point.
Townshead: in Prince George's County; see
Townshend: (village) in Prince George's
County; (2 1/2) miles southwest of Brandy-
wine; elev. 216; pop. (18).
(N. 38°40' W. 76°52') BRA
Towsers Branch: (branch) in Anne Arundel
County; branch of Little Patuxent River,
mouth (1/2) mile northwest of Conaways.
(N. 39°02' W. 76°43') REL
Towson: (town) in Baltimore County; (2 1/4)
miles north of Baltimore City; pop. (3,623);
elev. 465; P. O.; M. & P. R.R.; U. S. 111;
Md. 139-144-148; Express Agency.
(N. 39°25' W. 76°37') BAL
Towson Heights: (village) in Baltimore County;
east of Towson; elev. 400; M. & P. R.R.;
Md. 148.
(N. 39°25' W. 76°36') BAL
Towson Run: (run) in Baltimore County;
empties into Loch Raven Dam, (1 1/4) miles
northwest of Providence.
(N. 39°26' W. 76°33') BAL
Towson Run: (run) in Baltimore County; emp-
ties into Lake Roland, (1/2) mile south of
(N. 39°24' W. 76°39') BAL
Tracey: in Carroll County.
Tracy Branch: (branch) in Anne Arundel
County; see Tracy Creek.
Tracy Creek: (creek) in Anne Arundel
County; branch of Herring Bay, mouth at
(N. 38°46' W. 76°33') OWE
Tracy's Creek: in Anne Arundel County; see
Tracy Creek.
Tracys Landing: (village) in Anne Arundel
County; (2 1/4) miles northwest of Nutwell;
elev. 140; pop. (65); P. O.; Md. 2.
(N. 38°48' W. 76°36') OWE
Trammel Island: (island) in Montgomery
County; in Potomac River, (1 3/4) miles
northwest of Potomac; elev. (100).
(N. 39°02' W. 77°14') ROC
Transquaking River: (river) in Dorchester
County; branch of Fishing Bay, mouth (3)
miles south of Bestpitch.
(N. 38°23' W. 76°00') CRA
Trap: (village) in St. Mary's County; see
Trap Run: (run) in Garrett County; branch
of Youghiogheny River, (2) miles south-
west of Kendall; elev. (2,500).
(N. 39°37' W. 79°25') ACC
Trappe: in St. Mary's County.
Trappe: (town) in Talbot County; (2 1/2) miles
south of Hambleton; incorporated; elev. 56;
pop. (296); P. O.; Penna. R.R.; Md. 331;
Express Agency.
(N. 38°39' W. 76°04') OXF
Trappe: (village) in Wicomico County; (1)
mile northeast of Fruitland; elev. 26.
(N. 38°20' W. 75°37') SAL
Trappe Creek: (creek) in Worcester County;
branch of Ay er Creek, mouth (2 1/2) miles
southeast of Germantown.
(N. 38°18' W. 75°11') OCE
Trappe Landing: (village) in Talbot County;
(1 1/2) miles southwest of Trappe; elev.
5; pop. (35).
(N. 38° 39' W. 76° 05') OXF
Trappe River: (run) in Talbot County; see La
Trappe Creek (creek).
Trappe Station: (village) in Talbot County;
(2 1/4) miles east of Hambleton; elev. 14;
pop. (15); Penna. R.R.; Md. 333.
(N. 38°41' W. 76°06') OXF
Traver's Cove: (cove) in Dorchester County;
see Travers Cove.
Traver's Point: (point) in Dorchester County;
see Travers Point.
Travers Cove: (cove) in Dorchester County;
inlet of Little Choptank River, between
Hooper Point and Poverty Point.
(N. 38°30' W. 76°17') D.P.
Travers Point: (point) in Dorchester County;
on west shore of Slaughter Creek, (1) mile
south of Hooper Point.
(N. 38°30' W. 76°17') D.P.