Parsonsburg: (village) in Wicomico County;
(3) miles southwest of Pittsville; elev. 80;
pop. (211); P. O.; B. & E. R.R.; U. S.
213; Western Union.
(N. 38°23' W. 75°28') PIT
Parsonville: (village) in Somerset County;
(2 1/2) miles east of Bedsworth; elev. 5;
pop. (27).
(N. 38°00' W. 75°47') CRI
Partnership: in Charles County.
Pasadena: (village) in Anne Arundel County;
(1) mile northwest of Earleigh Heights;
elev. 90; pop. (205); P. O.; B. & A. R.R.
(N. 39°07' W. 76°35') REL
Pasadina: (village) in Anne Arundel County;
see Pasadena.
Passapac Landing : (village) in Caroline County;
see Passayae Landing.
Passpae Landing: (village) in Caroline County;
on east shore of Choptank River, (2 1/2)
miles north of Denton; elev. 20; pop. (10).
(N. 38°55' W. 75°50') . DEN
Passerdyke Creek: (creek) in Somerset and
Wicomico Counties; branch of Wicomico
Creek, part of boundary between the two
counties, mouth (1 1/2) miles south of Allen.
(N. 38°16' W. 75°42') SAL
Pastor Point: (point) in Kent County; pro-
jecting into West Fork Branch, (1 3/4) miles
northeast of Crosby.
(N. 39°08' W. 76°11') CHE
Patapsco: (village) in Anne Arundel County;
on Patapsco River, at mouth of Deep Run,
(2 1/2) miles west of Linthicum; elev. 33;
pop. (70); Penna. R.R.
(N. 39°13' W. 76°42') REL
Patapsco: in Baltimore County.
Patapsco: (village) in Carroll County; (3 1/2)
miles northwest of Finksburg; elev. 360;
pop. (265); P. O.; W. M. R.R.; Express
(N. 39°32' W. 76°54') WES
Patapsco Junction: in Howard County.
Patapsco North Branch: (river) in Baltimore
and Carroll Counties; see North Branch
Patapsco River.
Patapsco River: (river) in Baltimore and Anne
Arundel Counties; branch of Chesapeake
Bay, mouth (3) miles southeast of Spar-
rows Point.
(N. 39°10' W. 76°28') N.P.
Patapsco River: (village) in Howard County.
Patapsco River Neck: (neck) in Baltimore
County; bordered by Chesapeake Bay, Pa-
tapsco River and Back River.
(N. 39°15' W. 76°30') . BAL
Patapsco South Branch: (river) in Carroll and
Howard Counties; see South Branch Pa-
tapsco River.
Patience Point: (point) in Calvert County; see
Point Patience.
Paton Island: (island) in Frederick County;
in Potomac River, (1/2) mile northwest of
Point of Rocks; elev. (20).
(N. 39°17' W. 77°33') ANT
Patter Creek: (creek) in St. Mary's County;
branch of Chesapeake Bay, mouth (1) mile
south of Scotland.
(N. 38°05' W. 76°21') POI
Pattersons: (village) in Allegany County;
(1 1/2) miles west of Corriganville; elev.
(N. 39°42' W. 78°49') FROST
Patton: (village) in Wicomico County; (1 3/4)
miles south of Delmar; elev. 47.
(N. 38°26' W. 75°35') SAL
Pattys Branch: (branch) in Worcester County;
branch of Purnell Pond, mouth (1 1/4) miles
northeast of Snow Hill.
(N. 38°11' W. 75°22') SNO
Patuxent: (village) in Anne Arundel County;
in Fort George G. Meade; see Fort George
G. Meade.
Patuxent: (village) in Charles County; (2)
miles northeast of Hughesville; elev. 184;
Md. 231-381.
(N. 38°32' W. 76°45') PRI. F.
Patuxent City: (village) in Charles County;
see Patuxent.
Patuxent Mills: in Anne Arundel County.
Patuxent River: (village) in Anne Arundel
Patuxent River: (river) in Anne Arundel,
Calvert, Charles Howard, Montgomery,
Prince George's and St. Mary's Counties;
branch of Chesapeake Bay, boundary be-
tween the various counties, mouth (3) miles
east of Solomons Island.
(N. 38°19' W. 76°24') D.P.
Patuxent Station: (station) in Anne Arundel
County; Penna. R.R. station of Woodward-
ville; see Woodwardville.
Paul Point: (point) in Dorchester County;
projecting into Honga River, on east shore
of Asquith Island, west shore of mouth of
Fox Creek.
(N. 38°17' W. 76°07') CRA
Paw Paw Point: (point) in St. Mary's County;
see Pawpaw Point.