Leed Creek: (creek) in Talbot County; see
Leeds Creek.
Leeds: (village) in Cecil County; (3/4) mile
northwest of Childs; elev. 260; pop. (183).
(N. 39°39' W. 75°52') ELK
Leeds Creek: (creek) in Talbot County; branch
of Miles River, mouth (2 1/2) miles south-
west of Tunis Mills.
(N. 38°48' W. 76°12') ST.M.
Leeland: (village) in Prince George's County;
(2) miles east of Oak Grove; elev. 69; pop.
(200); Penna. R.R.
(N. 38°52' W. 76°45') E.W.
Lees: (village) in Howard County; see Lee.
Lees Mill: (village) in Carroll County; (1)
mile southeast of Warfieldsburg; elev. 640.
(N. 39°31' W. 77°01') TAN
Lees Wharf: (village) in Anne Arundel
County; (1) mile southeast of Riverview;
elev. 5; Md. 2-553.
(N. 38°57' W. 76°33') OWE
Leesboro: in Montgomery County.
Legers Point: (village) in Harford County;
see Lego Point.
Lego Point: (village) in Harford County;
point on southwest shore of mouth of Bush
River, on Gunpowder Neck.
(N. 39°20' W. 76°15') GUN
Le Gore: (village) in Frederick County; (1 1/4)
miles north of Woodsboro; elev. 480; pop.
(33); P. O.; Penna. R.R.; Md. 71.
(N. 39°33' W. 77°19') EMM
Leighman: (village) in Queen Anne's County;
see Roberts.
Leitch: (village) in Anne Arundel County; on
Herring Bay, (3/4) mile north of Fairhaven;
elev. 5; pop. (56); Md. 423.
(N. 38°46' W. 76°33') OWE
Leitch Wharf: (landing) in Calvert County;
on Patuxent River; (1 1/4) miles northwest
of Buena Vista; elev. 5.
(N. 38°32' W. 76°40') PRI.F.
Leitcher: in Calvert County.
Leitches Wharf: (landing) in Calvert County;
see Leitch Wharf.
Leitchs: (village) in Anne Arundel County;
see Leitch.
Leitersburg: (town) in Washington County;
(4) miles northwest of Smithsburg; elev.
595; pop. (361); Md. 60-62-418.
(N. 39°42' W. 77°38') HAG
Lelland: (village) in Prince George's County;
see Leeland.
Leon: (village) in Anne Arundel County; on
Patuxent River, (2) miles west of Bristol;
elev. 10; pop. (59).
(N. 38°48' W. 76°42') OWE
Leonard: (suburb) in Baltimore City; see
Baltimore City.
Leonard Cove: (cove) in Talbot County; inlet
of La Trappe Creek, (2 1/2) miles west of
(N. 38°39' W. 76°06') OXF
Leonard Pond: (pond) in Wicomico County;
created by damming of Wicomico River,
(2) miles southeast of Delmar.
(N. 38° 25' W. 75° 34') SAL
Leonardtown: (town) in St. Mary's County;
County Seat; situated on north shore of
Breton Bay; incorporated; elev. 100; pop.
(668); P. O.; Md. 5-245-326-379.
(N. 38°18' W. 76°38') LEO
Lerch Creek: (creek) in Anne Arundel County;
branch of West River, mouth (1/4) mile
southeast of Galesville.
(N. 38°50' W. 76°33') OWE
Lerches Creek: (creek) in Anne Arundel
County; see Lerch Creek.
Leslie; (village) in Cecil County; (1 1/4)
miles northwest of Northeast (village) ;
elev. 143; pop. (26); P. O.; B. & O. R.R.;
Md. 272; Express Agency.
(N. 39°37' W. 75°57') ELK
Level: (village) in Harford County; (1 3/4)
miles northwest of Webster; elev. 393; pop.
(100); Md. 156-161.
(N. 39°35' W. 76°12') HAV
Levering Creek: (creek) in Somerset County;
branch of Chesapeake Bay, mouth at Ewell.
(N. 38° 00' W. 76° 02') EWE
Levis Mill: in Cecil County.
Levydsville: in Wicomico County.
Lewellensburg: in St. Mary's County.
Lewis Knob: (mountain) in Garrett County;
lying west of Piney Run and north and east
of Muddy Run, (3) miles southwest of Sang
Run (village); elev. (2,960).
(N. 39°32' W. 79°28') ACC
Lewis Landing: (village) in Dorchester
County; on west shore of Nanticoke River,
(1 1/2) miles northeast of Cokeland; elev. 5;
pop. (20).
(N. 38°25' W. 75°51') NANT
Lewis Store: (village) in Worcester County;
(3) miles southeast of Germantown; elev.
10; Md. 376-611.
(N. 38°18' W. 75°09') OCE
Lewisdale: (village) in Montgomery County;
(1 1/4) miles northwest of Purdum; elev.
525; pop. (40); Md. 123.
(N. 39°17' W. 77°16') FRED
Lewiston: (suburb) in Baltimore City; see
Baltimore City.