No. 387.
Pinder vs. County Commissioners of Cecil County. Patent
issued to Commissioners on March 8, 1971.
No. 388.
Collins vs. Luthy. Patent Issued to Luthy on January 24, 1972.
No. 389.
Dyson vs. Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission.
No hearing held. Declaration of Termination issued August 26, 1969
No. 390.
Rockville Crushed Stone, Inc. vs. Montgomery County. Hearing
held May 12, 1970. Patent issued to Montgomery County on
August 28, 1970.
No. 391.
Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission vs.
Green et al. Hearing held January 26, 1971. No patent to
issue. Declaration of Termination issued March 9, 1971.
No. 392.
Harris vs. Brown, Hearing held May 12, 1970. Patent awaiting
Governor's signature.
No. 393.
Wyatt vs. Foraker. Hearing held August 11, 1970. No patent
to issue. Declaration of Termination issued February 25, 1971.
No. 394
Simonds and Cushman vs. Earls. Hearing held June 15, 1972.
No patent to issue.