CHAP. 631.
of cases.
ness, absence or disability of said justice, the hearing of the
case or transaction of the business assigned to said justice by
this charter may be had before any other justice of the peace
in and for Prince George's county ; and the Mayor and
Common Council of Hyattsville may provide for the expense
so incurred.
Style of
SEC. 33. The style of all ordinances shall be "Be it enacted
and ordained by the Mayor and Common Council of Hyatts-
ville," and all suits at law for violation of any rules, ordi-
nances, regulations and by-laws shall be instituted in the name
of the Mayor and Common Council of Hyattsville against
offending parties, and all fines recovered in such suits at law
for the breach of any rule, ordinance, regulation or by-laws
of the corporation, before any justice of the peace of Prince
George's county, shall be collected by said justice and paid
over to the treasurer of said corporation within one month
after the collection of the same, and the said justice shall
render an account to the Mayor and Common Council every
month, or oftener if required, of the amount so received by
him, and in the event of failure by any justice to account for
and pay said collections, he shall be fined not less than one
hundred dollars, to be collected as other fines imposed by the
penal laws of the State.
control of
and Council.
provided for
SEC. 34. All streets, avenues, roads and alleys in the corpo-
rate limits of Hyattsville are hereby declared to be under the
supervision and control of the Mayor and Common Council.
SEC. 35. Amendment of this charter is provided for as
follows : When one-fourth in number of the voters of Hyatts-
ville, as shown by the votes cast at the last preceding regular
election, shall file with the Mayor and Common Council a
petition setting forth in exact language the amendment or
amendments proposed by them, not less than six weeks prior
to the convening of the General Assembly, it shall become
the duty of said Mayor and Common Council to give at least
four weeks' publicity to the said proposed amendment or
amendments by having them printed in any newspaper pub-
lished in Hyattsville and in notices posted in public places, as
they may direct, and thereafter to issue a call for a special elec-
tion thereon not less than two weeks prior to the convening of
the General Assembly aforesaid. The proposed amendment or
amendments may also be voted on at a regular town election
of ballot.
unless such course would delay their presentation to the said
General Assembly. All ballots at said election shall have
printed thereon the words: "For amendment to the Town
Charter, providing for ———— ," and "Against amendments to
the Town Charter, providing for ———— ;" and if it shall