person shall reside therein, and it shall be the duty of said
clerk to register the name of said person and of the president
of the board signing said license in a book kept for the pur-
poses, as a part of the records of his office ; and the number of
the book and the page therein containing said recorded copy
shall be noted by said clerk upon the face of said license. In
case said persons should, after the recording of such license,
permanently remove his or her residence to some other county
of the State or to Baltimore city, he or she shall thereupon
at once file said license, or certified copy thereof, for record
as aforesaid, with the clerk of the Circuit Caurt of the county
or city to which he or she shall have so removed ; said records
shall be open to public inspection under proper restrictions
as to their safe keeping, and in all legal proceedings shall have
the same weight as evidence that is given to the records of
conveyances of land. The fees for such registration shall be
fifty cents, to be paid by the person whose license is registered.
49. Repealed.
51. Repealed.
61. Any person shall be regarded as practicing medicine
within the meaning of this Act who shall operate on or pre-
scribe for any ailment of another, or who shall append to his
or her name the letters M. D., or prefix the word Doctor, or
the abbreviation thereof, Dr., to his or her name, with the
intent thereby to imply that he or she is a practitioner of medi-
cine or surgery; but nothing herein contained shall be con-
strued to apply to gratuitous services, nor to any resident or
assistant resident physicians or students at hospitals in the dis-
charge of their hospitable or dispensary duties, or in
the office of physicians, or to any physician or surgeon from
another State, territory or district in which he resides when in
actual consultation with a legal practitioner of this State ; or to
commissioned surgeons of the United States Army or Navy
or Marine Hospital service, or to chiropodists, or to mid-wives,
or to masseurs or other manual manipulators who use no other
means; nor shall the provisions of this Article apply to phy-
sicians or surgeons residing on the borders of a neighboring
State, and duly authorized under the laws thereof to practice
medicine or surgery therein, whose practice extend into the
limits of this State ; provided, that such practitioners shall not
Who shall be
is practicing