AN ACT to repeal Sections 96 A and 96 B of Article 19 of
the Code of Public Local Laws, title "St. Mary's County, "
sub-title "Oysters, " as said Sections were re-enacted by
Chapter 480 of the Acts of 1900, and re-enact the same
with amendments.
CHAP. 610.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That sections 96 A. and 96 B of Article 19 of the
Code of Public Local Laws, title "St. Mary's County, " sub-title
"Oysters, " as said sections were enacted by chapter 480 of the
Acts of 1900, be and the same are hereby repealed, and the
said sections 96 A and 96 B, be re-enacted with amendments, so
as to read as follows:
Repeal and
96 A. The owner of any land bordering on any of the navi-
gable waters of St. Mary's county, the lines of which extend
into and are covered by said waters, shall have the exclusive
privilege of using the same for protecting, sowing, bedding or
depositing oysters or other shell fish within the lines of his
own land, and any owner of land lying and bordering upon
any of the waters of said county shall have power to locate
and appropriate in any of the waters adjoining his or her
lands, one lot of five acres for the purpose of protecting,
depositing, bedding or sowing oysters or other shell fish; and
any male or female citizen of full age, provided they are not
members of the same immediate family, of the county wherein
he or she resides, shall have power to locate and appropriate
and hold one lot of five acres and no more, in any waters of
said St. Mary's county not located or appropriated; provided,
thirty days' notice in writing shall be given the owner or
occupant of land bordering on said waters proposed to be
located, that the owner or occupant may have priority
claim, and if such owner or occupant shall fail to locate
or appropriate the water mentioned in said notice, then it
shall be open and free to any one under the provisions of this
section; provided also, that the said location or appropriation
shall be described and plainly marked by means of bushes,
stakes or buoys; and provided, that no natural bar or bed of
oysters shall be so located or appropriated, and that six months'
peaceable possession of all locations of oyster grounds under
the laws of this State shall constitute a good and sufficient
title thereto; but should any one within six months be charged
with locating or appropriating any natural bed or bar herein-
before prohibited, the question may be at once submitted by
any person interested to the judge of the Circuit Court for
May locate
and apprro-
priate one lot
of five acres
for sowing
oysters, etc.