Section 111 G. And be it further enacted, That the said
Council may elect a clerk to said Council and fix the amount
of his compensation and length of his term, and that they may
also fix the compensation of the Mayor of said town.
CHAP. 477.
to be elected.
Section 111 H. And be it further enacted, That the County
Commissioners of Garrett County shall retain jurisdiction over
the present county roads running through and in the boundaries
of said corporate limits of Friendsville, and that the said
Mayor and Council of Friendsville shall have jurisdiction and
supervision over all such streets, lanes and alleys as they may
accept and take under control of from time to time, and they
shall keep a record and description of the same, with the
length and location thereof, and no street or alley shall be
deemed to be under the control of said corporation, so as to
render said corporation liable on account of any injury or
damage arising thereon or therefrom, until it shall be shown
to have been accepted by the records of said corporation so
kept by the clerk of said corporation.
Jurisd iction
county roads,
lanes, etc.
Section 111 J. And be it further enacted, That the said
Mayor and Council shall have power to compel the property
owners binding along any of the said streets, lanes or alleys so
accepted by said corporation and recorded among its proceed-
ings, to construct and keep in repair sidewalks and footways in
front of their property binding on such streets, and may pass
all such ordinances as may be necessary to compel the con-
struction and repair of such sidewalks, and they shall have
power to enforce the construction and repair of such sidewalks
by fines imposed upon the property owners for a failure to
construct and repair, after fifteen days' notice previously
given, which said fine shall be collected as other fines imposed
for the violation of the ordinance of the town as hereinafter
set forth and stated.
To compel
owner to keep
and footway
in repair,
Section 111 K. And be it further enacted, That said Mayor
and Council of Friendsville may establish and maintain a town
lock-up, and may confine therein all persons convicted of
violations of their ordinances in default of the payment of
fines imposed for such violation, or may, at their option, con-
fine such persons in the county jail at the expense of said
town, or they may require such persons, in default of the pay-
ment of fines, to work out such tines and costs upon the streets
or other works or improvements of said town, such person to
be allowed as a credit on such fines or costs the same wages as
are paid other employes of said town for the same character of
Section 111 L. And be it further enacted, That all fines,
penalties and lorfeitures imposed for the violation of any ordi-
ahd maintain
a lock-up.