Laws of the State of Maryland, entitled Garrett County,
by adding additional Sections thereto, to be known as Sec-
tions 111 A,111 B, 111 C, 111 D, 111 E, 111 G, 111 H, 111 I
111 K, 111 L, and to follow immediately after Section 111
of said Article 12, and to be known by the sub-title
" Friendsville."
WHEREAS, At a meeting of the male citizens and residents
of the town of Friendsville, in Garrett county, Maryland,
held on the 16th day of January, 1902, it was decided by the
unanimous vote of the residents of said town attending said
meeting, that an application should be made to the General
Assembly for a charter for said town of Friendsville.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the inhabitants of Friendsville, in District
No. 2, in Garrett county, Maryland, are hereby incorporated
by the name of " The Mayor and Council of Friendsville,"
and by that name may sue and he sued, plead and be impleaded,
may have and use a common seal, and may hold real, personal
and mixed property, when the best interests of the town may
so demand.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That certain new sections be
and the same are hereby added to Article 12 of the Code of
Public Local Laws, title "Garrett Couuty," under the new
sub-title " Friendsville," said sections to follow immediately
after section 111, and to be designated as sections 111 A,
111 B, 111 C, 111 D, 111E, 111G, 111 H, 111J, 111K, 111L,
defining the corporate limits of said town, corporate powers
thereof, and said section to read as follows :
New section
Section 111 A. And be it enacted, That eaid corporation
shall be governed by a Mayor and six Councilmen and that
John W. McCullough, of said town, be and he is hereby
appointed Mayor of said town, and that William H. H. Friend,
Alien J. Mason, Erastus C. W. Ryland, Frederick G. Fox,
Walter W. Savage and George I. Kolb, are hereby appointed
Councilmen of said town, the said Mayor and Council men to
serve until the first Wednesday after the first Tuesday in Feb-
ruary, 1903, when an election shall be held for Mayor and six
Councilmen, who shall serve for two years or until their suc-
cessors are elected and qualified, and biennially thereafter, on
the same day, elections shall be held for said officers, to serve
for two years, as aforesaid. In case of death, resignation,
failure to qualify of any party elected as Mayor or Council-
men, the corporate board, not Jess than a quorum being present,
shall fill such vacancy by the election of some other qualified
inhabitants of Friendsville to fill the unexpired term of the
Governed by
a Mayor and