thirty-six thousand dollars, and for building cottage for
Female Epileptics, the sum of twelve thousand and five hun-
dred dollars, together with the further sum of twelve hundred
dollars, for stocking farm, and fifteen hundred dollars for
repairs to said hospital ; to the State Vaccine Agent, for his
salary, six hundred dollars, and to defray the expenses of pro-
curing reliable vaccine virus, twelve hundred dollars, or so
much thereof as may be necessary ; to the Maryland Asylum
and Training School for the Feeble Minded, the sum of
fifteen thousand dollars, for maintenance.
CHAP. 421.
To pay the officers and members of the General Assembly,
including postage, stationery, mileage and miscellaneous
expenses, as follows, to wit : For the per diem of the Presi-
dent of the Senate, at eight dollars per day, seven hundred
and twenty dollars ; for the per diem of the twenty-six
Senators, at five dollars per day, eleven thousand and seven
hundred dollars; for the per diem of one Secretary of the
Senate, at ten dollars per day, nine hundred dollars; for the
per diem of one Reading Clerk of the Senate, at ten dollars
per day, nine hundred dollars ; for the per diem of one
Journal Clerk of the Senate,' at ten dollars per day, nine
hundred dollars ; for the per diem of one Sergeant-at-Arms of
the Senate, at five dollars per day, four hundred and fifty
dollars ; for the per diem of one Doorkeeper to the Senate,
at five dollars per day, four hundred and fifty dollars ; for the
per diem of one Assistant Doorkeeper to the Senate, at five
dollars per day, four hundred and fifty dollars; for the per
diem of one Engrossing Clerk of the Senate, at seven dollars
per day, six hundred and thirty dollars ; for the per diem of
four Committee Clerks to the Senate, at five dollars per day
each, eighteen hundred dollars ; for the per diem of one
Folder of the Senate, at five dollars per day, four hundred
and fifty dollars; for the per diem of two Pages of the Senate,
at two dollars and a half per day each, four hundred and fifty
dollars ; for the per diern of one. Janitor of the Senate, at five
dollars per day, four hundred and fifty dollars; for the per
diem of one Postmaster of the Senate, at five dollars
per day, four hundred and fifty dollars ; for the per diem
of one Messenger to the Printer and Mail Carrier, at two
dollars and fifty cents per day, two hundred and twenty-
five dollars ; for the per diem of one Chaplain of the
Senate, at five dollars per day, four hundred and fifty dollars;
for the per diem of the Speaker of the House of Delegates,
at eight dollars per day, seven hundred and twenty dollars ;
for the per diem of ninety-four other members of the House