For the contingent fund placed at the disposal of the Gov-
ernor by Article 3, section thirty-two of the Constitution, ten
thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary;
and one thousand two hundred dollars, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, to be used for the salary of a stenog-
rapher and typewriter; six hundred. dollars to pay the
salary of a janitor of the Court of Appeals, who shall serve
also as assistant janitor and keeper of water closets; for the
contingent fund of the Treasury Department, for adver-
tising, stationery, blanks, books, expressage, telegrams and
other incidental expenses, three thousand dollars, or so much
thereof as may be necessary; for the contingent fund of
the Comptroller's office, for printing blanks, licenses, pro-
tests, circulars, warrants, books and other office expenses,
four thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be
necessary; for the contingent fund of the Land Office,
six hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be neces-
sary; for the contingent fund of the Court of Appeals,
one thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be neces-
sary; for the contingent fund of the Board of Public Works,
five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary,
said amount to be expended under the direction and control
of said board, to be used for repairs to State property and
other necessary expenses; for the contingent fund of the
Attorney General, for printing and traveling expenses, cler-
ical services, stationery, postage and other necessary expenses,
thirteen hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be neces-
sary; for the contingent fund of the State Librarian, for
porterage, postage, freight, purchase of stationery and incident
expenses, tive hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be
necessary; said contingent funds to be paid upon the proper
vouchers exhibited to the Comptroller.
For the augumentation and furnishing of the State Library,
two thousand and tive hundred dollars, or so much thereof as
may be necessary; to the State Librarian, for expenses in
shipments of Acts of Assembly, reports and documents of
the Session of nineteen hundred and four, three hundred and
fifty dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
State Library