For the system of free public schools (white and colored)
in the several counties and the city of Baltimore, and for the
State Normal School, and the State Board of Education, to be
apportioned by the Comptroller, in accordance with the laws
in such case made and provided, and the directions herein
given, six hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars, or what-
ever sum may be paid into the Treasury on acccount of the
tax for public schools ; also such other sum or sums as may be
received to the credit of the free school fund, from the
interest on stocks standing to the credit of said fund,
or from other sources ; also the sum of thirty-four thousand
. and sixty-nine dollars and thirty-six cents to be paid out of
any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, and to
be placed to the credit of the free school fund, in accordance
with the povisions of the Act of the December Session eighteen
hundred and thirty-nine, chapter thirty three, and substituted
for the interest on the surplus revenue, as provided in said Act ;
provided, that the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars
of the receipts from the public school tax shall be distributed
to colored schools after deducting the amount payable to the
Colored Normal School, and the balance of said receipts shall
be distributed to the white schools, the State Normal School
for whites and the State Board of Education, in proportions to
which they are respectively entitled ; for donations to colleges,
academies and schools, as set forth in Acts and Resolutions of
the General Assembly heretofore passed, forty-four thousand
five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary;
provided, that none of the appropriations to colleges, academies
and schools shall be paid to any of said institutions excepting
to such as shall have made a full report as required by section
seventeen of Article 77 of the Code of Public General Laws,
and for the instruction of the indigent blind, to be applied
under the direction of the Governor, in accordance with the
provisions of the Acts of eighteen hundred and sixty-eight,
chapter two hundred and tive, as amended by the Acts of
nineteen hundred and two, twenty-one thousand dollars, or so
much thereof as may be necessary.
For the contingent fund placed at the disposal of the Gov-
ernor by Article 3, section thirty-two of the Constitution, ten
thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary ; one
thousand and two hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may
be necessary, to be used for the salary of a stenographer and
typewriter ; three hundred dollars to pay the salary of a janitor