the year and month when such children last attended school,
together with the name and address of the parents, guardians
or persons in parental relation, and of employers of such
children, which record shall be furnished by said Police Com-
missioners to the Board of School Commissioners of Baltimore
city ; whosoever has under his control a child between said
CHAP. 268
ages and withholds information in his possession from any
officer demanding it, relating to the items aforesaid, or makes
any false statement in regard to the same, shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and be fined not more than twenty
for violation.
151. It shall be the duty; of the principal or head teacher
of every public or private school in this State to report immedi-
ately to the School Commissioners of the county where such
school is located, or of Baltimore city if located therein, or
to an attendance officer or other official designated by such
commissioners, the names of all children enrolled in his or her
school who have been absent or irregular in attendance three
days, or their equivalent, without lawful excuse, within a
period of eight consecutive weeks.
Report made
to School
132. No proprietor or owner of any mill or factory in this
State, other than establishments for manufacturing canned
goods, or manager, agent, foreman or other person in charge
thereof, shall employ or retain in employment in any such
mill or factory any person or persons under sixteen years of
age, unless he procures at the time of such employment or
retention in employment, and keeps on file and accessible to
the attendance officers of the city or county where such minor
is employed, a certificate of the principal or head teacher of
the school which such child last attended, stating that such child
is more than twelve years of age, and a like certificate of the
parent or guardian, or other person having control of such
child ; but the first named certificate need not be procured if
such child has not attended school in this State. He shall
require such certificates, shall keep them in his place of busi-
ness during the time the child is in his employment, and shall
show the same during his business hours to any attendance
officer who may demand to see them, or either of them ; and
for each failure to comply with any of the provisions of this
section he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined
not exceeding one hundred dollars. Whoever continues to
employ any such child under sixteen years of age, in violation
to employ
under sixteen
years of age.
of this section, after being notified of such violation by an
attendance officer, shall for every day thereafter that such
unlawful employment continues be fined not less than five
or more than twenty dollars, in addition to other penalties
for violation.