Book 1
At a Session of the General Assembly of Maryland, begun
and held in the City of Annapolis, on the first day of
January, 1902, His Excellency , JOHN WALTER SMITH,
being Governor, the following laws were enacted to wit:
AN ACT to regulate the licensing of surety and casualty
companies and to add five additional sections to Article 23
of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Corporations,"
sub-title "Insurance Department," said sections to follow
immediately after section 126 B, and to be known as sections
126 C, 126 D, 126 E, 126 F and 126 G, respectively.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That five additional sections be and they are
hereby added to Article 23 of the Code of Public General
Laws of this State, title "Corporations," said sections to follow
immediately after section 126 B of said Article, and to be
designated sections 126 C, 126 D, 126 E, 126 F, and 126 G,
Section 126 C. That no insurance company, corporation or
association chartered, incorporated or organized under the
laws of the State of Maryland, shall hereafter engage in or
carry on the business in this State of becoming surety or
guarantor on bonds of any kind, or the business of issuing
New sections
policies of insurance of the classes known as employers or
public liability, personal accident, plate glass, steam boiler,
burglary, sprinkler leakage, credit indemnity, health, or any
other kind of insurance except life, tire and marine policies
and except insurance companies described in chapter 256 of
the Acts of 1894, and chapter 463 of the Acts of 1898, and
codified as sections 128 and 128 A. of Article 23 of the Code
of Public General Laws of Maryland, or any insurance
company doing what is known as an "Industrial Insurance"
License of
authority to
be obtained.