CHAP. 102.
AN ACT to refund to diaries 0. Kendall and fifteen (15)
other citizens of Kent county and State of Maryland, the
sum of four dollars and seventy-five cents ($4.75) each,
paid to the State of Maryland in error, as decided by
Circuit Court for Kent county Maryland, as a tax, under
Chapter four hundred and forty-one, of the Acts of eighteen
hundred and ninety-six, as per license certificates hereto
WHEREAS, Charles O. Kendall, Samuel T. Wheat, Jacob
Kendall, Thomas Rodney, Charles H. Stevens, Jacob Urie,
James R. Downey, Winfield Scott, Charles Thomas, John H.
Thomas, Jacob H. Kendall, James T. Greet, John T. Kendall,
Charles O. Donnelly, Charles C. Kendall and George M. Cole-
man, have each paid the sum of four dollars and seventy-five
cents ($4.75) as a license to fish in the waters of the Chesa-
peake Bay, under the provisions of this Act of eighteen
hundred and ninety-six, chapter four hundred and forty-one,
to fish with gill nets, north of a line one mile south of Poole'a
Island ; and
WHEREAS, under the provisions of section ninety-eight of
paid Act, gill nets are exempted from the provisions of said
Act requiring a license to fish in said waters thereof.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly q/
Sum of
money to be
Maryland, That the Comptroller is hereby directed to issue
his warrant upon the Treasurer: one payable to Charles O.
Kendall of Kent county, Maryland, for the amount of four
dollars and seventy-five cents ($4.75) for said license paid in
error; one to Samuel T. Wheat, of said county, for the sum
of four dollars and seventy-five cents ($4.75) for same ; one to
Jacob Kendall, of said county, for the sum of four dollars and
seventy-five cents ($4.75) for same ; one to Thomas Rodney,
of said county, for the sum of four dollars and seventy five
cents ($4.76j for same ; one to Charles II. Stevens, of said
county, for the earn of four dollars and seventy-five cents
($4.75) for same ; one to Jacob Urie, of said county, for the
sum of four dollars and seventy-five cents ($4.75) for same ;
one to James R. Downey, of said county, for the sum of four
dollars and seventy-five cents ($4.75) for same ; o.ne to Win-
field Scott, of said county, for the sum of four dollars and
seventy-five cents ($4.75) for same; one to Charles Thomas,
of said county, for the sum of four dollars and seventy-
five cents ($4.75) for same ; one to John H. Thomas, of
said county, for the sum of four dollars and seventy-five