Punishments," making a new sub-title "Railroad Obstruc-
tion — Interfering with Signals," making it a misdemeanor
to interfere with the signals governing the movements of
railroad trains and prescribing the penalty therefor, and to
be known as Section 231 B.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
CHAP. 150.
Maryland, That a new section, to be known as section 231 B,
be and the same is hereby added to Article 27 of the Code of
Public General Laws, title "Crimes and Punishments," sub-
title "Obstructing Railroads — Interfering with Signals," said
Section to follow section 231 A of said Article, and to read as
follows :
Section 231s. Any person, other than the duly authorized
New section
employes of any railroad company, who shall interfere with
the signals by which the movements of the trains of such
railroad company are governed, by giving what is known as a
train signal to start any train when at rest, or to stop any train
when in motion, such person so offending shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof be
sentenced to the Maryland house of correction or the county
or city jail for not more than six months.
Approved April 8, 1902.
AN ACT to add a new section to Article 14 of the Code of
Public Local Laws, title "Howard County," sub-title "Elli-
cott City," under the new sub-title "Bills of Exchange and
Promissory Notes," to be numbered Section 81 A, and to
follow Section 81.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Guilty of
Maryland, That a new section be and the same is hereby
added to Article 14 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title
"Howard County," sub-title "Ellicott City," under the new
snb-title "Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes," to follow
Section 81 and be numbered Section 81 A, and to read as follows :
81 A. It shall be lawful for banks and bankers in Ellicott
New section
City to close their doors for business at twelve o'clock noon on
each and every Saturday in the year, and every Saturday in.
the year, after twelve o'clock noon, shall be a legal half-holiday"
so far as regards to presenting for payment or acceptance
and protesting and giving notice of the dishonor of bills ofi
exchange, bank checks, drafts, . promissory notes and other
negotiable papers, and for these purposes .shall be treated and
considered as the first day of the week, commonly called