CHAP. 149.
prescribe, conditioned that he shall well and truly account for
all monies paid over to him by the bailiff of said corporation,
or that may be received by him from any other person for the
use of said corporations, and shall well and truly pay over to
his successor in office or to the order of said commissioners,
signed by their secretary and countersigned by their president,
all said monies and shall perform all other duties of his office
according to law and the ordinances of said commissioners;
he shall keep full and correct accounts of all monies received
by him, with the sources from which the same were received
and the dates of such receipts, and of the disbursements made
by him, with the dates of such disbursements, and the persons
to whom and on what account the same were made.
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That the assessor or assessors
Assessor to
be appointed
shall be appointed from among the citizens of said town
qualified to vote for commissioners of said town, and before
he or they shall proceed to act as assessor or assessors he or
they shall take an oath before a justice of the peace for
Caroline county that he or they will assess and value the
assessable property of every sort within said town at its full
cash value, without favor, partiality or prejudice, to the best
of his or their skill and judgment; he or they shall enter and
record, in a book to be provided for that purpose, an accurate
and fair account of all property, stocks and private securities
of every sort within said town liable to assessment, and the
valuation thereof, together with a list of the owners thereof,
which shall be returned by him or them to the said commis-
sioners on or before the thirtieth day of June in each and
every year, and which any person interested may inspect
without charge ; and if any one shall feel aggrieved at the
valuation and assessment of his property by said assessor or
assessors, he may appeal from such valuation to the said com-
missioners within two weeks from the return of said assessment,
and upon good cause being shown the said commissioners
may make any alteration in said assessment which they deem
proper and right, and take from or add to the same ; and for
the purpose of hearing and determining the appeals provided
for by this section the said commissioners shall give tive days'
previous notice of the time and place of hearing such appeals
by advertisement to be posted at two public places in said
town or printed in some newspaper published therein.
SEC. 17. And le it enacted, That all property, real and
be valued .
personal, or mixed, bonds, stocks and private securities of all
kinds and descriptions whatsoever, within the limits of said
town of Federalsburg or owned by the inhabitants thereof and
not permanently located beyond the limits thereof, by law liable
to be valued and assessed and chargeable with taxes in this