CHAP. 139.
employment; provided further, that no party liable under the
preceding section of this Act shall be entitled to take advan-
tage of the provisions of this section, unless the said party shall
on the first Monday of each month make a report under oath to
the Insurance Commissioner aforesaid, stating the number of
persons employed in this State in the respective occupations
covered by this Act, during the preceding month (even if
only employed for a fraction of said month), and the estimated
number to be employed during the month of such report, and
shall pay to the said Insurance Commissioner the proper
monthly instalment for each person employed during such
month making up for any shortage in the payment for the
preceding month. And it shall be unlawful for any person,
employer, employe, corporation or partnership to make any
contract waiving or avoiding or affecting the full legal effect
of this Act.
SEC. 4. It is hereby made the duty of the Insurance Com-
Money and
to be received
kept safely.
missioner of the State to receive and safe custody keep of all
such sums of money or insurance premiums, and to keep a
distinct fund therefor, to be known as the Employers and
Employes' Co-operative Insurance Fund, and to invest his
monthly balances or surplus in safe and convertible securi-
ties of any State, county or city of the United States or the
bonds of the United States, and the bond of such Insurance
Commissioner shall be liable for such fund, and it shall be his
duty to keep accurate accounts of the receipts and disburse-
ments of such money, and full statistics of the operation of
this function of this department. In the event of the death
of an employe insured under the preceding section of this
Act, who shall have come to his or her death in the course of
the employment and by causes arising therein (provided such
death shall not have occurred at a period longer than one year
from the date of the injury), then the Insurance Commissioner
upon being satisfied by adequate evidence of such death shall
pay to the administrator or executor of the deceased, or unto
the widow or husband or children of the deceased, as the said
Insurance Commissioner shall deem wisest for the dependents,
if there be any, the sum of one thousand dollars, and shall pay
such indemnification for no other reason or cause whatsoever.
SEC. 5. The Insurance Commissioner shall report in January.
Report to be
of each year to the Governor the experience of this function
of his department, and shall have plenary power to determine,
all disputed cases which may arise in its administration, and to
regulate from year to year the rates or premiums payable in
order to preserve such fund and pay the death indemnification
herein provided. He shall receive in compensation for the