a justice of the peace of Prince George's county and organize
a board by the election of one of their number as president,
one secretary and the remaining member as treasurer, and they
may from time to time appoint a chief bailiff and under bailiff
and such other officers as may be found necessary to do and
perform all things required and allowed to be done by the Com-
missioners of Upper Marlborough under the provisions of this
Act and of the provisions of Article 17 of the Code of Public
Local Laws, sub-title " Upper Marlborough ;" and they and
their appointees are hereby inve'sted with all the powers and
are required to perform all the duties authorized and required
to be done by the commissioners of said town under this Act
and under said sub title of Article 17 of the Code of Public
Local Laws, and shall continue in office until the first election
under this Act, and until their successors are elected and
CH A P. 123.
Meet and
317. The town commissioners shall have the management
of the town, and shall have full power to pass and enact all
such laws and ordinances as they may deem wise, equitable
and expedient for the comfort, health, convenience and pros-
perity of said town and its inhabitants. It shall be their
duty to pass such ordinances as may be necessary for the
enforcement of the provisions of this charter : (1) To pre-
serve the peace, good order and the best interest of the town ;
(2) to maintain its cleanliness and health, and to this end
they shall have the same power as the State Board of Health
in this State within the corporate limits of said town, and
one-fourth of a mile outside thereof in every direction.
of the town.
They shall provide for the frequent inspection of all
premises, by a town health officer to be appointed by the
commissioners, who shall serve until his successor is appointed,
and shall receive such compensation as the commissioners
deem proper. The health officers shall have power to appoint,
with the approval of the commissioners, such assistants and
officers under him as the commissioners may allow, and shall
be held as responsible for the enforcement of all ordinances
of the town relative to the public health and sanitary con-
dition of the town.
318. The town commissioners may impose such fines,
penalties and forfeitures for breach of their by-laws and
ordinance that they may think proper, not exceeding twenty
dollars for any one offense.
319. That they may provide by ordinance for the immedi-
ate arrest," without warrant, of any person found violating any
town ordinance, and when it shall appear that the offendant
is intoxioated may confine said offender in the county jail
Arrest to be