No. 475. An act to repeal section 18 of article ninety-seven of the Code
of Public General Laws of Maryland, entitled "Weights and Measures,"
sub-title "Potatoes," and to re-enact the same with, amendments.........
No. 476. An act to repeal section two of chapter three hundred and fifty-
three of the Acts of the General Assembly passed at the session of
eighteen hundred and ninety, prohibiting the taking of oysters with.
of Somerset County, and re-enact the same with amendments..........
No. 477. An act to appropriate a sum of money to pay the claim of James
F. Melvin for publishing constitutional amendments, submitted in the
year 1891............. ...............................................
No. 478. An act to declare the sanction and consent of the General As-
sembly of Maryland to sundry gifts, bequests and devises contained in
the last wills and testaments of certain persons late of the State of Ma-
ryland, deceased, and also to certain gifts, grants, sales, leases and deeds
made by various persons in the said State of Maryland to and for the
use and benefit of sundry ministerial persons, religious corporations,
denominations or sects, and to certain charitaple institutions hereinafter
named.................................................... ...........
No. 480. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments sections 29 to 48
both inclusive of article 24 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title
"Worcester County," sub-title "Berlin," and to add certain new sections
to said article and sub-title, to follow section 48, and to be designated
as sections 48 A, 48 B, 48 C, 48 D and 48 E..............................