No. 143. An act to add two new sections to Article 81 of the Code of
Public General Laws, title "Revenue and Taxes," to be designated 201
and 202, to follow Section 200 of said Article, and to repeal all Acts or
parts of Acts, laws or parts of laws, in conflict with the provisions of
this Act so far as the same shall be so in conflict ......................
No. 144. An Act to repeal section t3 of Article 56 of the Code ef Public
General Laws, title "Licenses," sub-title "Brokers," and to repeal and
re-enact Section 18 of said Article, as amended by chapter 581 of the
Acts of 1892.........................................................
No. 146. An iict to amend an Act entitled "An act to incorporate the
Town of Mt. Airy, in Carroll and Frederick Counties," passed at the
January session, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, being chapter ninety-
one of the Acts of said session.........................................
No. 147. An act to add an additional section to article twenty-seven of
the Code of Public General Laws, entitled "Crimes and Punishments,"
sub-title "Health," to come in after section one hundred and fifty-one
of said article........................................................
No. 148. An act to provide for the support and treatment of Indigent
Lying-in- Women, in the Maryland Lying-in-Hospital of Baltimore city.
No. 149. An act to prohibit the sale of Intoxicating Liquors at Chase's
Station, Baltimore county, Maryland, or within a radius of two miles
No. 150. An act to repeal sections 107 A, 107B and 107 C of article 3,
chapter 277, of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title
"Baltimore County," sub-title "Fish," passed at the January session,
1894, and to re-enact the same with amendments ....... ..............
No. 151. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendment, section one
hundred and sixty-seven of article twenty-three of the Code of Public
General Laws, title "Corporations," sub-title "Railroad Companies,"
and to add a new section to said article, to be known as section one
hundred and sixty-nine A......................... ... ...............
No. 152. An act to amend the charter of the Evangelical Lutheran
Ladies Society of the Augsburg Home for Orphans and Aged of Balti-
more City, recorded July 8, 1898, among the Charter Records of Balti-
more city, in Liber J. B., No. 81, folio 463, &c..........................
No. 153. An act to appropriate a sum of money for rebuilding the main
building of Charlotte Hall Academy, in St. Mary's county...............
No 154 An act to amend the charter of the Baltimore Association for
the Improvement of the Condition of the Poor, being an additional
act to the act of 1888, chapter twenty-four.............................
No. 155. An act to add an additional section to article eleven of the
Code of Public Local Laws, title "Frederick County," sub-title
"Jurors," to come in after section 288, and to be known as section 288
A., relating to the method of drawing Jurors in "Frederick County, and
repealing all laws in conflict therewith................................
No. 156. An act to enable the Mayor and 'City Council of Baltimore to
appropriate a sum or sums of money, annually, for the use and benefit
of the German Orphan Asylum of Baltimore city, and to confirm an
appropriation heretofore made........................................
No. 157. An act to authorize the County Commissioners of Queen Anne's
County, to grant a pension to Samuel R. Story of said county..........
No. 158. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments section 4 of
chapter 266 of the acts of 1894, entitled "An act to incorporate the
Union Tr ist and Surety Company of Maryland".......................