No. 117. An act to authorize and empower the Governor to appoint
three additional Justices of the Peace, one in each of the first, second
and third election districts of Baltimore city...........................
Ho. 118. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments section 175 A of
the Code of Public Locai Laws of the State of Maryland, title "Alle-
gany County," sub-title "Intoxicating Liquors," as enacted by chapter
140 of the acts of 1894................................................
No. 119. An act to repeal section one hundred and eighty-five of article
ten of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Dorchester County,"
sub-title "Fish," as the same was repealed and re-enacted by the act of
eighteen hundred and ninety-two, chapter eighty, and to re-enact the
game so as to read as follows :........................................
No. 120. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments, sections 1, 2, 4,
141 and 146 of article 81 of the Code of Public General Laws, title
"Revenue and Taxes," and to add certain new sections to said article
to take their proper places numerically therein, and to be numerically
numbered as sections 146 A, 146 B, 146 e, 146 D, 146 E, 146 p, and from sec-
tions 164 to 195, both inclusive........................................
No. 121. An act to appropriate a sum of money to pay the claim of
Thomas and Evans, Printers, of Baltimore, Md........................
No. 123. An act to allow the legal and qualified voters of Snow Hill, in
Worcester county, to decide by ballot whether or not town coupon
bonds not exceeding the amount of eighteen thousand dollars, shall be
issued by the Mayor and Council of Snow Hill for the purpose of pro-
viding a water supply for said town...................................
No 123. An act to repeal sections 167 to 195 A, inclusive, of article 12 of
the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Garrett County," sub-title "Oak-
land," as said sections were enacted by chapter 343 of the acts of 1892,
and to add certain sections to said article to follow section 195 A, and
to be designated as sections 195 B, 195 C, 195 D, 195 B, 195 F, 195 G, 195 H.
195 I, 195 J, 195 K, 195 L, 195 M..........................................
No. 124. An act to amend and add to the corporate powers of the cor-
poration created by the act of 1864, chapter 857, of the acts of assem-
bly of 1864, entitled an act to incorporate the School Sisters of Notre
Dame, in the city of Baltimore........................................
No. 125. An act to authorize the City and Suburban Railway Company
to construct a viaduct or elevated railroad structure, on Eastern avenue
betweeen 8th and twelfth streets, for the purpose of avoiding the
present crossing at grade of the tracks of the Union Railroad and
the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Kailroad.................
No. 126. An act to authorize and direct the County Commissioners of
Baltimore couny to levy a sum of money for the building of a public
school house in St. Denis in the thirteen district of Baltimore county..
No. 127. An act to appropriate a certain sum of money to the Maryland
House of Correction..................................................
No. 128. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments section 11 A of
article fifty-two of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Justices of
the Peace," sub-title ''Criminal Jurisdiction," as said section was
amended by chapter 838 of the act s of 1894...........................
No. 129. An act to repeal chapter 294 of the acts of the General Assem-
bly of Maryland of 1894, providing for the supervision of the jail of
Wicomico county, and regulating the labor of certain prisoners con-
tained therein .......................................................