of Maryland, by the Act of 1865, Chapter 83, as amended by the Act of
1870, Chapter 136, and as further amended by the Act of 1884, Chapter
No. 91. An act to repeal chapter 112 of the Acts of 1894, entitled an Act
to add an additional Section to Article 16 of the Code of Public Local
Laws title Montgomery County, in regard to horses and carriages at
livery, and to add certain new sections to said Article, under the sub-
title, Horses and Carriages at Livery, to follow Section 123, to desig-
nated as 128 A., 128s.. and 128c........... ........ ..................
No. 92. An act to amend Article 23 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Maryland, title "Wicomico County," sub-title "Revenue and Taxes," by
adding a new section thereto to follow section one hundred and twelve,
and to be designated Section one hundred and twelve A................
No. 93. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section 100 of
Article 19, of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "St. Mary,s County
sub-title "Roads," as said section was enacted by Chapter 504 of the
Acts of 1894..........................................................
No. 94. An act to make valid the appointment of registers of voters for
'Hagerstown," and to legalize the entries made, acts done and proceed-
ings taken by them under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Acts of
Assembly of this present session (1896) of said General Assembly.......
No. 95. An act to carry into effect section thirty-nine of article four of
the Constitution, so for as the same concerns an increase in the num-
ber of Judges of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore city................
No. 96. An act to amend the charter of the Burgess and Commissioners
of Middletown, in Frederick county, by repealing and re-enacting
with amendments sections three hundred and fifty-one, three hundred
and fifty -two, three hundred and fifty-three, three hundred and fifty-
four, three hundred and fifty-five, three hundred and fifty-six, three
hundred and fifty-seven, three hundred and fifty-eight, three hundred
and fifty-nine, three hundred and sixty, three hundred and sixty-one,
three hundred and sixty-two, three hundred and sixty-three, three hun-
dred and sixty-four, three hundred and sixty-five, three hundred and
sixty-six, three hundred and sixty-seven, three hundred and sixty-
eight, three hundred and sixty-nine, three hundred and seventy and
three hundred and seventy-one, and to repeal sections three hundred
and seventy-three A, three hundred and seventy three B, three hundred
and seventy-three C and three hundred and seventy-three D, of article
eleven of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "Frederick
County," sub-title "Middletown,".....................................
No. 97. An act to allow the legal and qualified voters of Taneytown, in
Carroll county, Maryland, to decide by ballot whether or not town cou-
pon bonds, not exceeding the sum of twelve thousand dollars, shall be
issued by said town for the purpose of providing a proper water supply
for said town.........................................................
No. 99. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendment section 150 A of
article 27 of the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, as enacted
by chapter 246 of the acts of 1894.....................................
No. 100. An act for the better protection of Keepers of Livery Stables
in Talbot county........... ..........................................
No. 101. On act to refund to George S. Biddle, late collector of State
taxes for Kent county, a certain sum of money erroneously paid by
him into the State Treasury..........................................
No. 102. An act to provide for the formation of Farmers' Institutes in
the State of Maryland, and to appropriate a sum of money therefor.......