Park for the purpose of an exposition, and also ratifying the ordinance
passed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor of Baltimore
city on the second day of April, 1895...................................
No. 47. An act to empower the County Commissioners of Harford county
to provide for the support of Otho S. Bennington in the sum of one
hundred dollars per annum, and to make levy therefor, ...............
No. 48. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate the town
of Mount Airy in Carroll and Frederick Counties," passed at the Janu-
ary session, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, being chapter ninety-one
of the Acts of said session ..........................................
No. 49. An act to refund to William D. Pyles a sum of money paid in
error to the State Treasurer............. ................... ......
No. 50. An act to appropriate a sum of money to pay the Treasurer of
the State Board of Education, the amount of sundry bills paid by him
for repairs to the State Normal School Building, and for necessary
furniture for the recent addition to said building....................
No. 51. An act to establish a State Geological and Economic Survey, and
to make provision for the preparation and publication of reports
and maps to illustrate the natural resources of the State, together with
the necessary investigations preparatory thereto .... ........ ... ....
No. 52. An act to incorporate the United States Fidelity and Guaranty
No. 54. An act to amend the charter of the Merchants and Miners Trans-
portation Company, so as to extend the corporate existence of the said
company, and authorize an increase of its capital stock................
No. 55. An act to prohibit gunning and fishing in Garrett County, Mary-
land, on the Sabbath day.............................................
No. 57. An act for the aid of the State Firemen's Association............
No. 58. An act to extend the privileges, enlarge the powers and amend
the charter of the Cambridge Building and Loan Association of Dor-
chester County, Maryland, a corporation duly incorporated under the
General Laws of this State............................. ............
No. 59. An act to repeal chapter 273 of the acts of 1894, entitled "An
act to regulate the practice of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery in the
State of Maryland," so far as the same applies to Montgomery county.
No. 60. An act to repeal chapter three hundred and forty-two, passed at
the January session of the General Assembly of 1894, entitled "An act
to allow the legal and qualified voters of Snow Hill, in Worcester
county, to decide by ballot whether or not town coupon bonds not ex-
ceeding the amount of eighteen thousand dollars sliall be issued by said
town for the purpose of providing a proper water supply for said town.
No. 61. An act to repeal anil re-enact with amendments section 4, of
chapter 193 of the acts of 1868, entitled "An act to endow St. Mary's
Female Seminary.....................................................
No. 62. An act to amend the charter of Maryland Mutual Fire Insur-
ance Company, and to change its corporate name to Maryland Home
Fire Insurance Company.............................................
No. 63. An act supplementary to an act for founding a college in Chester-
town, passed at a session of the General Assembly of Maryland, 1782,
chapter 8, authorizing the establishment by the Visitors and Governors
of said College of a Department of Pedagogy.........................
No. 64. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments section 105 of
article 19 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "St. Mary's County,"
sub-title "Sheriff."....................................................