No. 18. An act to incorporate the Lake View Water Works Company.....
No. 14. An act to require the County Commissioners of Carroll County
to pay to the Burgess and Commissioners of Taneytown, Carroll County
Maryland, one-half the amount of road tax levied or taxed upon the
property within the limits of Taneytown, to be used for the repair,
town........... .....................................................
No. 15. An act to appropriate a sum of money to pay James T. Perkins,
late treasurer of Prince George's county, and collector of State and
county taxes, the sum of ($193.27) one hundred and ninety-three dollars
and twenty-seven cents, the same being an over-payment into the State
Treasury of Maryland, under the provisions of section 33 of Article 3
of the Constitution ..................................................
No. 16. An act to appropriate the sum of fifteen hundred and sixty-two
dollars and one cent out of the public school funds to re-imburse Garrett
County for an instalment of the State school tax, witheld from said
county in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-five, and also to author-
ize and direct the Comptroller to apportion to said county the instal-
ment known as the March instalment of the State school tax for the
year eighteen hundred and ninety-six, said instalment being the ap-
portionment made to said Garrett County on the fifteenth day of March
in each year..........................................................
No. 17. An act to declare the sanction of the General Assembly of Mary-
land, to sundry gifts, bequests and devises to the Convention of the
Proteslant Episcopal Church of the Diocese of Maryland..............
No. 18. An act to authorize the Commissioner of the Land Office to have
prepared for the use of the Land Office, copies of the military lots in
Alleghany and Garrett counties, granted by the State of Maryland, to
officers and soldiers of the war of the Revolution, and to appropriate a
sum of money to pay therefor............................... . .......
No. 19. An act to add an additional section to the Code of Public General
Laws of Maryland, Article 53, title "Landlord and Tenant," to be
known as section 28 ......................... ......................
No. 20. An act to add a new section to Article 4 of the Code of Public
Local Laws, title "City of Baltimore," sub-title "Jurors," to come in
after section 591, and to be known as section 591 A, relating to the
drawing of additional Jurors for the several common law Courts of
Baltimore city, and to repeal sections 587, 588, 589 and 590 of said
said section 591 A.........'.............................................
No. 81. An act to enable the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore city to
appropriate money for the relief of the Maryland Naval Mili'tia.........
No. 22. An act to give and grant the sanction and consent of the Gen-
eral Assembly of Maryland, to the bequests contained in the will and
codicil thereto, of Mrs. Laura E. Gray, late of Frederick county, de-
ceased, to the Vestry of Saint Marks Parish, Frederick county, Mary-
land......................... ........................................
No. 23. An act to repeal chapter one hundred and seventy-six of the
acts passed at the January session, eighteen hundred and ninety-two,
entitled "An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments section 128 of
article 22 of Public Local Laws, title 'Washington county,' sub-title
'Election Districts,' " and to re-enact the same with amendments.......
No. 34. An act to sanction and make valid an assignment from the Trus-
tees of the Agndath Acheni Ohel Jacob Vishayer Hebrew Congrega-