to the same extent as if he had resisted a constable, and he shall
perform all such other duties as are or shall be imposed by law,
ordinance or by order of the Mayor or Council, and he shall
pay over to the treasurer monthly all fines and fees collected
by him.
41. The tax collector, before entering upon the discharge of
his duties shall subscribe to an oath for the faithful performance
of his duties and give bond to the State of Maryland in the
sum of two hundred and fifty dollars to be approved by the
Mayor and Council, and conditioned for the faithful perform-
ance of his duties; he shall collect all taxes that may be levied
by law, ordinance or otherwise, and shall pay the same promptly
to the treasurer; he shall keep safe, and return, when demanded,
his tax assessment books, bills, papers and receipts, and shall
make out monthly reports of his collections; his books shall be
subject to inspection by any taxpayers; all such taxes shall be
collected as county taxes are now collected in Worcester county,
or by suit and extension as debts are now collected.
Bond of tax
42. The Mayor and Council shall have power to make such
laws, pass such ordinances not contrary to law in conformity to
this charter, as they may deem necessary for the good govern-
ment of the town and the inhabitants thereof; to prevent and
remove and abate all nuisances and obstructions in or upon the
streets, sidewalks, highways, lanes, alleys, drains, waterways or
in or upon any lot, and to provide for imposing a tine or tines
upon any person or persons causing or creating any such nui-
sance or obstructions; to grant permits for and control and reg-
ulate the erection of all buildings, specifying in all cases the
material of which they shall be built, and for what purpose
used, and to have power to remove or order the removal of any
building that may be a nuisance, or that may have been erected
or built of wood and commonly known as frame buildings on
the burnt district since the fire of August 4th, 1895, and
within the lines as prescribed by a commission appointed by
the Town Commissioners of Berlin, on August 7th, 1895. Said
commission to ascertain said line, being composed of Robert
J. Showell, Edwin T. Derickson and Lewis C. Dilworth, or
that may have been erected under a permit to erect temporary
buildings or that may have been erected contrary to any
ordinance heretofore passed or hereafter to be passed, or thai
may endanger any building contiguous thereto in case of
fire, and to have power to fix all building lines in said
town and to enact ordinances and impose fines for the
enforcement of these provisions, to establish grades upon
Hay pass