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Session Laws, 1896 Session
Volume 475, Page 729   View pdf image (33K)
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22. Before granting such license, the Comptroller shall re-
ceive two dollars and eighty-five cents for every gross ton the
boat shall measure, and in case any license is issued by the au-
thority of any county, the clerk of the Circuit Court of the
county shall receive for such license from the applicant, one
dollar and ninety cents per gross ton for every gross ton the
boat may measure, except that when the license is issued by au-
thority of any county, the license fee shall be eight dollars for
all boats of five gross tons measurement and under, said meas-
urement to be the gross tonnage of custom house measurement ;
but no allowance or deduction shall be made or allowed by
reason of dunnaging; and it shall be the duty of the Com-
mander of the State Fishery Force, and any officer under his
command, at any time he or they shall deem it proper, to
inspect and verify the measurement of any boat and their
gross tonnage; and the measurement ascertained by such offi-
cer shall be conclusive and final, and any license granted shall
be corrected or amended in accordance with such measurement,
and the appropriate license fee hereinbefore named, paid in ac-
cordance with such measurement, and the right granted by any
license already issued shall be suspended until the full payment
of such license fee is completed; provided, that persons ap-
plying for scraping license for boats to dredge in the Chesa-
peake bay, after the first day of January to the fifteenth day
of March, shall be required to pay only one dollar and fifty
cents per gross ton to the Comptroller of the State for such
license, and any law, general or local, in conflict herewith,
shall be void and of no effect.

36. The Board of Public Works shall have power, and it
shall be their duty to keep the steamers and sail vessels in good

Dost of

order and repair; and for the purpose of reducing the expenses
of the State fishery force, the said board is authorized and
hereby required to lay up and put out of commission one steamer,
and under no circumstance shall the steamer be placed in com-
mission, except during the dredging season, and only then in
such emergency as the Board of Public Works may judge is
necessary that both steamers are required to enforce the provis-
ions of this article; and in such cases the commander shall take
command of said steamer and ship a crew, and as soon as the
emergency is passed the said commander shall discharge said
crew and place said steamer out of commission again, retaining
only one man to act as watchman, who shall receive not more
than thirty dollars per month while so employed; and for the
purpose of still further reducing expenses, the said Board of

Expenses to
be reduced.

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Session Laws, 1896 Session
Volume 475, Page 729   View pdf image (33K)
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