AN ACT to add a new section to Article 23 of the Code of
Public General Laws, title " Corporations," sub-title " Insur-
ance Department," sub-title " Fraternal Societies, Orders or
Associations," to follow 143 E, and to be designated as sec-
tion 143 E 1.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
New section.
land, That article 23 of the Code of Public General Laws,
title " Corporations," sub-title " Insurance Department," sub-
title " Fraternal Societies, Orders or Associations," be amended
by adding one new section to follow section 143 E, and to be
designated as section 143 E 1, to read as follows :
143 E1. Any such association coming within the description
of a fraternal beneficiary association, as set forth in section
143 E of this article formed under the provisions of article 23
of the Code of Public General Laws of this State and now
doing business in this State, may continue such business, pro-
viding that it hereafter comply with the provisions of this sec-
tion in addition to the existing requirements, as set forth in the
Code of Public General Laws of this State in the supreme
body of any such association composed of State council, con-
clave, lodge, chapter or district representatives, who are elected
by the members of the association or by their duly accredited
delegates; and others to the number of one-fourth or more of
the entire membership of such supreme body who are not so
elected as representatives. No member is qualified to vote
unless he is a State council, conclave, lodge, chapter or district
representative, elected by the members or their duly accredited
delegates; and in computing the number of representatives to
which a State or district is entitled in such supreme body; the
number of members that is necessary to secure one representa-
tive shall be considered the unit of representation, and the num-
ber of times the membership in any State is greater than this
unit of representation is the number of representatives which
the State is entitled to in the supreme body; and in the absence
of any representative the alternate is competent to act in all
respects as the representative; a majority of the elected repre-
sentatives shall constitute a quorum.
SEC. 2. Be it enacted, That all acts and parts of acts incon-
sistent with this act be, and the same are hereby repealed to the
extent of such inconsistency.