yellows, rosette, and every other insect or disease whatever,
and failure to furnish such certificate shall render him liable
to the penalty of a fine of one hundred dollars for each and
every such shipment or delivery without such certificate.
55. Whenever any nurseryman, fruit grower or agriculturist
in this State shall know or have good reason to believe that his
trees, plants or vines are affected with San Jose scale, yellows,
rosette, or any other insect or disease, he shall have the privi-
lege and it shall be his duty to notify the State entomologist
thereof, who shall at once proceed to the premises designated,
and examine the same, and suggest and recommend the proper
remedies for the destruction of the same, and give all informa-
tion he can to aid in exterminating such insect or disease, and
instruct the owner thereof how to use the remedies he recom-
to examine
trees, etc.
56. The said State entomologist, when he examines any trees,
plants, vines or nursery stock in this State under the provisions
of this act, and he finds such trees, plants, vines or nursery
stock is free from all San Jose scale, yellows, rosette, or other
disease or insect, he is hereby anthorized and directed to make
out and deliver in writing to the owner of such trees, plants,
vines or nursery stock, a certificate that he has examined such
trees, plants, vines or nursery stock, and that he finds the same
free from all San Jose scale, yellows, rosette, or other disease
or insect, and said State entomologist shall also file a similar
certificate with the Governor of the State and with the presi-
dent of the said agricultural college, which certificates shall at
all times be subject to public inspection.
Certificate of
State ento-
57. The sum of five hundred dollars, annually, or so much
thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the
purpose of paying the expenses of the State entomologist in
the performance of his duties, under the provisions of this act,
and the Comptroller is hereby directed to issue his warrant
upon the Treasurer for the said sum, and the State entomo-
logist shall make report to the Comptroller of the amount
58. Whenever any trees, plants or vines are shipped into
this State from another State, every package thereof shall be
plainly labeled on the outside with the name of the consignor,
the name of the consignee, the contents, and a certificate show-
ing that the contents have been inspected by a State or Govern-
ment officer, and that the trees, vines or plants therein con-
tained are free from all San Jose scale, yellows, rosette and
Trees, plants,
etc., re
ceived from
other States.