two, chapter one hundred and thirty-eight, be the property of
the State; provided, that said society may purchase such vol-
umes as it wishes for its members and exchanges at the cost
of paper, presswork and binding, and shall be authorized to
sell others at cost, the proceeds of all sales to be added to the
publication fund and used only therefor; and provided further,
that ten copies of each volume of the archives, published by
said Maryland Historical Society, shall be bound in cloth and
deposited in the State Library, for the use thereof, and that
the said society be and is hereby authorized, without being
required to pay therefor, to send a copy of each of the vol-
umes that have been or may be published, to the respective
State Librarians of the several States of the Union, and also
to each of the Circuit Courts of the several counties of the
State, to the Court of Appeals, the Land Office, the Library
Company of the Baltimore Bar, and such library or historical
association as may be approved by the Maryland Historical
Society, and said society shall make report to the next General
Assembly of the progress of the work and of all receipts and
disbursements under this act.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 2d, 1896.
AN ACT to incorporate the Rising Sun, North East and Elk
River Electric Railway and Power Company.
A body cor-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Andrew Anderson, George W. Cosden, Joseph T.
Reed. Levi O. Cameron, John M. C. Carbart, Wm. L. Means,
Ellis L. Dugebock, Haron L. Dueyekink, Mount C. Kirk and
James Mallen, all of Cecil county, Maryland, and their succes-
sors in office, are hereby created a body corporate, under the
name of the Rising Sun, North Eaet and Elk River Electric
Railway and Power Company; and the said incorporators are
hereby constituted and appointed the directors of said corpora-
tion, and they shall have power at any time after the passage
of this act to organize, by the election of a president and such
other officers as may, in their judgment, be to them necessary
for the proper management of the affairs of said company.