85. Every judge of election who shall wilfully exclude any
vote duly tendered, knowing that the person offering the
same is lawfully entitled to vote at such election, or shall
wilfully receive a vote from any person who has been duly
challenged in relation to his right to vote at such election,
without exacting from such person such oath or other proof of
qualification as may be required by law, or shall wilfully omit
to challenge any person offering to vote, whom he knows or
suspects to be not entitled to vote, and who has not been chal-
lenged; or shall wilfully refuse to open and show the ballot-
box to be empty prior to the opening of the polls; or shall
permit any barricade or obstructions of any kind to be inter-
votes, etc.
posed, so that all who desire cannot constantly see such ballot-
box, shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by imprison-
ment in jail or in the penitentiary for not less than three
months nor more than two years.
86. Every judge or clerk of election or other officer or per-
son, who shall make, sign, publish or deliver any false tally or
return of an election, or any false certificate or statement of
the result of an election, knowing the same to be false, or who
shall wilfully deface, destroy or conceal any statement, tally or
Mating false
tally, etc.
certificate entrusted to his care and custody, shall, on convic-
tion thereof, be adjudged guilty of a felony, and shall be pun-
ished by imprisonment in the penitentiary for not less than one
nor more than ten years.
87. If any person other than a judge of election shall, at
any election, knowingly and wilfully put, or cause to be put,
any ballot or ballots, or other paper having the semblance
thereof, into any box used at such election for the reception of
votes; or if any judge of election knowingly or wilfully
cause or permit any ballot or ballots to be in said box at the
opening of the polls, and before the voting shall have begun ;
or shall knowingly, wilfully or fraudulently put any ballot or
other paper having the semblance thereof into any such box
at any election, unless the same shall be offered by a voter
whose name shall have been found and kept upon the registry,
as hereinbefore provided, or who shall be entitled to vote
under this article; or if .any judge of election or other officer
or person shall fraudulently during the canvass of ballots in
any manner change, substitute or alter any ballot taken from
the ballot-box then being canvassed, or from any ballot-box
which has not been canvassed, or shall remove any ballot or
semblance thereof from, or add any ballot or semblance
thereof to, the ballots taken from the ballot-box then being
ballots into