Judges or
himself to act in his stead until his return, having first admin-
istered to such substitute the same oath as he himself has
taken. Blank forms for the appointment of substitute judges
and clerks and of the oath aforesaid shall be supplied by the
supervisors, and the oath, when administered, shall be pre-
served and returned by the judges to the supervisors. The
appointment and swearing in of all such substitutes, and the
reason therefor, and the time when such substitutes began and
ceased to serve, shall be noted by the judges in the poll-book
of the precinct; such substitute shall cease to act whenever
the judge or clerk in whose stead he was appointed shall be
57. Each political party or other body of voters having a
candidate or candidates duly nominated, shall have the right
to designate and keep a challenger and watcher at each place
of registration and election, who shall be assigned to such
Positions near the judges of election, inside the registration
Or polling room as to enable them to see each person as he
offers to register or vote, and they shall be protected in the
discharge of their duty by the judges of election and the
police. A. certificate, signed by the candidates or by the pre-
siding officer of the chief managing committee of their party
in the city or county, shall be sufficient evidence of the right
of such challenger and watcher to be present in the registra-
tion or polling room. In case any challenger or watcher does
not produce such certificate, the judges of election shall recog-
nize a challenger or watcher vouched for by the persons pres-
ent belonging to such political party or by the judge repre-
senting such party. Such challenger and watcher shall have
the right to remain in the polling room, outside the rail here-
inafter mentioned, from the time the polls are opened until
they are closed, and after that time he shall be permitted to
remain within the rail until the returns are completed. The
refusal to permit any such challenger so to remain shall be a
misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not exceeding one thousand
dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding one year, or by both
fine and imprisonment; but it shall be unlawful for any such
challenger to inquire or ascertain for what candidate or candi-
dates any voter may intend to vote or has voted, or to confer
in the polling room, with any voter, or to assist him in the
preparation of his ballot, and any challenger offering or
attempting to do so may lawfully be ejected by the judges,
and shall also be subject to the punishment hereinafter pro-
vided. A challenger or watcher may be removed at any time