emblem, it any, the size whereof shall not exceed two and one-
half inches in height and two inches in breadth. Any party in
State convention or by State committee may select any emblem,
which shall be certified at the time and in the same manner that
the nominations are certified, and which shall be the emblem of
the party throughout the State until changed by like authority.
In case the same emblem is selected by two or more parties, it
shall be the emblem of the party whose certificate is first filed,
and the other party may in like manner certify another. Where
candidates have been nominated in any other manner than by a
convention or primary election, or by a committee acting under
the authority of a convention, an emblem may be adopted and
certified in the manner aforesaid; provided, that the emblem
selected shall not be one already appropriated to a political
of offices
and names
51. Said groups shall contain the names of the officers to be
voted for, and under each office the name or names of the can-
didates in the same order in each group or column, so that, as
far as possible, candidates for the same office in the various
groups may be opposite to each other and on the same horizon-
tal line upon the ticket, with a reasonable space between said
names. Between the groups and to the right of each group
there shall be a ruled column of one-third of an inch in width,
parallel to said groups and close to the group to its left. Be-
tween the names of the candidates in said groups and across
said ruled column shall be drawn lines, so that in the parallelo-
gram or space so formed the voter may clearly indicate, in the
way hereinafter pointed out, the candidate or candidates for
whom he wished to cast his ballot. On said ballot and follow-
ing the groups aforesaid containing the candidates of parties
mentioned, as here'inbefore provided, there shall be a space
equal in width to that occupied by a single group, which shall
contain the names of the offices to be filled at such election
with lines drawn between the same, inclosing spaces equal in
number to the candidates for each office to be voted for. Said
lines shall extend through a column of one-third of an inch in
width, so that the same shall be similar to the lines and columns
of a group containing the names of candidates. In the spaces
so provided a voter may write and mark the name of any per-
son for whom he desires to vote. If at such election there be
a constitutional question or any question to be submitted to the
popular vote the said question shall be placed upon said ballot
in the form following: "For constitutional amendment,"
" against constitutional amendment," or "for proposition,"