of ———— county,) in the State of Maryland, according to the
best of my ability."
11. It shall be the duty of said board of supervisors to
appoint the place of registration, and "also the polling place, in
each precinct of their county or city, and to cause the same to
be fitted up, warmed, lighted and cleaned. The places for
registration and polling shall, in all cases, be upon the ground
floor of a building, the entrance to which is from the highway
or from a public street at least forty feet wide, if in the city
of Baltimore, and at least twenty-five feet wide, if in the coun-
ties, in a room facing on said street or highway, and shall be
as near the center of the voting population of the precinct,
and as convenient to the greatest number of voters, as is prac-
ticable, and in no case shall a registration or election be held in
any building, or part of a building, used or occupied as saloon,
dram shop, pool room, billiard hall or bowling alley, or com-
municating therewith by doors or hallways. If no suitable
place is found, the super visors shall provide one.
offices and
12. It shall be the duty of the person or officer having charge
of the vital statistics of any city or county to furnish to the
Board of Supervisors of Elections, monthly, a report of the name
and previous residence of every male person over twenty-one
years of age who shall have died during the preceding month ;
and said board shall, immediately before the registration or
revision thereof, in each year, cause to be arranged alphabeti-
cally, and as near as possible, according to wards in the cities,
and according to election precincts in the counties, the names
and late residences of all such deceased persons, and have the
same printed, and furnish a copy of said printed list to each
member of the board of registry of such wards or precincts
for their guidance.
13. Said board of supervisors shall give ten days' notice of
report of
males who
have died.
the time and place of registration and of revision thereof, and
of election, in each precinct of such county or city, by hand-
bills set up in the most public places in such precinct, and also
in the counties, by advertisement in two newspapers, (one of
which newspapers, if possible, shall be of opposite political
faith from that of the majority of said supervisors), of gen-
eral circulation therein, and in the city of Baltimore, by adver-
tisement in all the daily newspapers which will publish the
same at their current rates for advertising. Said board shall
make all necessary rules and regulations not inconsistent with
this article, with reference to the registration of voters and the
Notice of reg-