shall in all particulars be the same as is provided by said section
167 of said Article 23.
SEC. 3. And b« it enacted, That said Water Board is hereby
authorized and empowered to do all acts necessary and proper'
to the carrying out the provisions of this act; and said Board
shall have full control over the sairl water works, with authority
to employ such superintendents, workmen or other employes as
may be necessary or proper to carry on the same, and to pur-
chase all supplies and materials needed in constructing or con-
ducting the same, and also to provide rules and regulations for
supplying the said town with water, and to fix and establish
from time to time a schedule of rates and charges to be made
and collected for the use of water by private consumers; and
the bailiff shall, as in case of other taxes, collect said charges,
which are hereby made a lien on the real estate upon which said
water is furnished, and pay over the same to the Mayor and
Council, who may allow him therefor such additional compen-
sation as they may deem reasonable; and all moneys derived
from water rents shall be used first, for the payment of the
current expenses of said water works; secondly, for the pay-
ment of the interest when due on the bonds authorized by this
. act to be issued; and thirdly, as to any balance, to provide a
sinking fund for the payment of said bonds at their maturity ;
and the said Water Board is hereby authorized and directed to
make suitable provisions for the protection of the property in
said town from fire by providing a suitable number of fire plugs
or public hydrants properly adapted to that purpose and con-
veniently situated for use.
Control of
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the title to said water
works, and all lands, estates, water courses, water ways, con-
duit pipes, machinery, and all other parts thereof whatever,
and all property belonging and pertaining thereto shall, when
completed or acquired, vest in the Mayor and Council of Rock-
vill'e, and any person who shall knowingly or wilfully pollute
any spring, stream, brook, water course or reservoir in connec-
tion with the said water works, so built or erected, by throwing
any impure or deleterious substance or thing into the same, or
by swimming, bathing or washing themselves, or by washing
clothes or any other unclean or impure thing therein, or by
committing any nuisance in or near the sources of supply or
the reservoir for said water works so as to pollute the same,
shall, upon conviction of such offense be liable to a tine of
not less than five nor more than fifty dollars for each offense,
to be recovered by the Mayor and Council of Rockville before
Title to water