than ten dollars, with costs; the fine to go to the use of said
corporation; and in default of payment of fine and costs afore-
said, the person or persons se convicted shall be committed to
the jail in said county, until the tine and costs are paid; pro-
Tided, said imprisonment shall not continue longer than ten
SEC. 30. And be it enacted, That at the meeting of said
commissioners of Ridgely, three shall constitute a quorum, and
all questions submitted shall be decided by a majority of those
present; but less than a quorum may appoint the time for a
subsequent meeting, and adjourn, and the said commissioners
of Ridgely shall serve without compensation.
SEC. 81. And be it enacted, That said commissioners may
appoint the clerk, treasurer, bailiff and other officers, or eithef
of them, from among themselves or other inhabitants of said
Who may
hold office.
SEC. 32. And be it enacted, That the Commissioners of
Ridgely may, in their discretion, exempt and release from
assessment or taxation for municipal purposes any or all
machinery plant or property erected in said town of Ridgely,
for manufacturing purposes, after the passage of this actj for d
period not exceeding five years, by agreement or otherwise.
from taxa-
SEC. 33. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 2, 1896.
AN ACT to authorize and empower the Mayor and Council
of Rockville to borrow money on the credit of said town
for the purpose of constructing water works for said town,
to issue bonds for the payment of the same, and to lev;f
taxes on the assessable property of said town to redeem said
bonds, and pay the interest thereon.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That for the purpose of establishing, constructing and
maintaining water works capable of furnishing the residents of
Rockville with a good and sufficient supply of water, the Mayor
and Council of Rockville be and they are hereby authorized
May issue
bonds for