No. 1.
Resolution of the General Assembly of Maryland that a com-
mittee of the same are authorized to bring to the attention
of the General Assembly of Virginia or a committee of the
same, the claims now pending and endeavor to secure from
the State of Virginia, reimbursement to the citizens of
Maryland for all damages caused by the illegal action of tie
Oyster Police Force of the State of Virginia..............
No. 2.
Requesting the State Librarian to furnifh to the additional
Judge of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore a set of the
Maryland Reports........................................
No. 3.
Requesting the Governor to appoint a commission to report
upon the subject of placing statues of distinguished cit-
izens of Maryland in the National Hall of Statuary in the
Capitol of the United States at Washington................
No. 4.
Requesting the Senators and Representatives of this State in
the Congress of the United States, to use their influence for
the defeat of any bill purposing to remove the Naval acad-
emy from its paesent location.................. ..........
No. 5.
Resolution in relation to the erection of a public building at
Annapolis, Maryland, by the general government, for the
purpose of a post office, custom house, &c.................
No. 6.
Extending the term of service of Honorable William Shep-
ard Bryan as judge of Court of Appeals...................
No. 7.
Extending the term of service of Honorable Joseph A.
Wickes, as associate judge of the second judicial circuit....
No. 8.
Authorizing the State Librarian to lend to the Library Com-
pany of the Baltimore bar, certain law books .............
No. 9.
Accepting ancient records of Charles county as the property
of the State of Maryland, and authorizing the Commis-
sioners of the Land Office to have the same repaired and
No. 10.
Bequesting and urging the Senators and Representatives of
this State, in the Congress of the United States, to urge
upon the appropriation committee of the Senate and House
of Congress, the importance of securing an adequate ap-
propriation for the re-survey of the Chesapeake bay and
its tributaries in the interest of commerce and the national
No. 11.
Bequesting the Governor to appoint five or more commis-
sioners to represent the State, who shall serve without pay
and whose duty shall be to promote and encourage a full
and complete exhibit of the commercial, industrial, educa-
tional, artistic and other interests of the State, by its citi-
zens............................................. ........